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My partner encourages me, i have always been a reptile lover, and when we first got together i told her this. She surprised me by going and getting her wildlife licence before i had mine and she bought home a coastal as a surprise. Ever since then if i see a snake or lizard that i like she is like the little devil that sits on your shoulder, saying go on you know you want to....and i love her for that. We have 4 kids and limited space but she is happy to re-arrange the house to fit more enclosures in, even if they sit there for 6 months empty while i find the animal i want.
^ Lol, someone's jealous.

I have always been a reptile lover but my husband has a deep fear of snakes, so I had resigned myself to gazing longingly at them through the glass at the zoo.

This Mother's Day, he completely surprised me by going and getting his reptile license just so he could secretly buy me a python. I nearly fell over when he showed me my 'present'.

Since then he has helped build a vivarium and even feeds her for me. I'm the luckiest!
i reckon some of your wives put you guys up to this !

most people i know are unhappy in marrage !

this site must have a SNAG's on it !

thumb presses harder on my head !
i reckon some of your wives put you guys up to this !

most people i know are unhappy in marrage !

this site must have a SNAG's on it !

thumb presses harder on my head !

You're obviously not a SNAG RK, so maybe you are a CHOP ! Chauvinistic Highly Opinionated Person (clean version for the young eyes) :p

and I'm sure if we ask around i'm sure someone can some polyfiller so your thumbprint isnt so noticeable :lol:

my partner is more of a Lizard fella, he doesn't understand my fascination with pythons at all, but he helps with what he can, and happily puts up with my droolings over ones i dont have etc etc etc.

Its nice to hear that others are 'alone' in their passion yet supported to continue with it.

We just bought a beautifully little pilb from levis04 and Hayley has told me we need to buy another one So it's not lonely
haha sounds like my wife. She was indifferent to the snakes at the start, but has grown to love em & has no probs handling them etc. But it's when I got bluies & geckos that sucked her in. She totally adores the lizards & has taking to speaking proudly of them to anyone who'll listen. Especially the amyae, she reckons they're the cutest thing ever. I have recently caught her in there talking to them all too, even the snakes ;)
Mate, your wife sounds like an awesome lady! Ten points to you both!
I just told my wife to keep her snout out of it! She said it's either me or the snakes and I told her the door is over there! Grow some balls people!! :lol: :lol:
Im sure you did say that moosenoose BUT saying it under your breath while your wife is using the vaccy DONT COUNT !!!!:) you know really some of you may say oh its just a few snakes blah blah ...but when your the other person and are not on the same hobby addiction IT IS A BIG DEAL to bite your tongue and accept it ..what some dont realise is half our partners arent into reptiles and even scared of them ...
Yes the old cheese (who is younger than me :)) IS scared of them, so I guess I have to cut her a bit of slack :lol:

I started off mildly with a little carpet python, then to a dreaded brown tree snake, then about 8 tiger snakes, a Colletts, a few red bellys, an adder and a few copperheads :lol: :D ...she's given up! ;)

She did say the other day that if by chance something bit me I'd have to find my own way to the hospital as she wouldn't drive my "stupid a$$" :D
lol, great thread!

the critters are my hobby, my boyfriend deals with having to peer around a crack in the door when he gets home before throwing it open cos my lizards free range, he has less space cos theres enclosures in every room, theres no holidays togehter cos i wont leave the animals,...if i work late he find them all and puts them on heat bags so they dont get sick. He did the majority of the rennos on the aviary, hes found yet another spot in our tiny yard that can be converted to an outdoor area for teh lizards,..he pickes up the stray crix and roaches, deals with the tub of snails being raised in a tub in the ensuite spa, rats in the freezer, the liazrds getting fed before he even gets offered a coffee,...etc

i tell rather than ask that theres new additions coming and he still comes home with hollow logs or to tell me he saw a tree down somewhere that has good branches,..

he does whinge his butt off from time to time, but if the table were turned, im starting to think i woulndt be as accepting as he is,...

theres been 6 years of major fights and him saying hes moving out asap to get to this point, but i do really appreciate all he does for them, even if its only the little things,...!!

im feeling alot of partner appreciation these days, and starting to hope he decides to hang around after all,..... :p

CHeers to all the wonderful accepting partners! :p
Great thread bit soppy though lol
I met my other half when we both went to purchase some lizards,
so we were like minded from the beginning.
It's nice to be with someone who not only accepts but shares your passion..
Only down side being there is no one there to say "your not getting one more reptile" etc..
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