PC, XBox or PS3? Which one and Why?????????

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no, my comeback is to indicate your outlandish claim as rather silly!, drug user indeed, stop being so precious.

yes they showed apple made more money, I never argued that, YOU argued the iphone alone made more than Microsoft, I just debunked it that's all :D :p
Microsoft is a small part of the PC market now, Intel Revenue $43.6 billion almost trice both microsoft and apple together!.

as a parting comment, I'm sure your brothers system is real neat "thumbs up" ;)
GTX 680's Quad Sli :) - Overclockers Australia Forums this guy has 4, yes FOUR of the (nearly) fastest graphics cards you can get.. but he's just greedy!
and you want a BIG screen? how about 152"?
Million-dollar TV goes on sale - Yahoo!7
(yes, that's a woman standing next to it looking like a dwarf lol)

and then you end with more wounded pride over perceived attack of "drug user"? man, grow up!
I'm done for the moment :D *hugs*
I take all drug references to myself as personnel as I don't condone the rubbish!! Gotta love when people make insults and then try and justify it by saying people lack sense of humour, my uncle passed away due to addiction, I have every right to be offended and as for growing up I think I've showed my level of maturity through my posts, have I not?
great bring the damn debate to APS you wicked man :p Personally ill play anything with bf3 on it, lol but i own an xbox, dont care much for which platform i play on, but PC sounds fun, to bad i only have a laptop with 2gigs of ram ((The stuff that makes it go? lol))
I take all drug references to myself as personnel as I don't condone the rubbish!! Gotta love when people make insults and then try and justify it by saying people lack sense of humour, my uncle passed away due to addiction, I have every right to be offended and as for growing up I think I've showed my level of maturity through my posts, have I not?

no, it's a perceived insult, not an intended insult, there's a difference.
and you may have a right to be offended, but by reacting in this way, and denouncing me as having given an insult because you see it that way, you then insult every person here that has used a drug at one time or another, should they too be incensed and outraged? (do you include all drugs? even legal ones? because a large number of people are addicted to over the counter medications, many die from them too)
anyway, this is totally off topic, so I'll end it here.
my condolences to for your loss.
People keep talking about playing on your tv in a lounge chair with a controller. PC can do that too.... except better :lol:
People keep talking about playing on your tv in a lounge chair with a controller. PC can do that too.... except better :lol:

Agreeeeeeeeeeeed :)
Doesn't take much these days....a $20 HDMI cable and your 99% of the way there...dam just have to plug it in now :)
PC is to Console as Manual is to Auto transmission... sure auto is easier, but manual can do more lol
I bought Battlefield 3 (PS3) on the weekend and am getting positively smacked :lol: I can't fly the jets (let alone land them) and am just as bad in the choppers (I feel sorry for the poor buggers who jump in as a passenger thinking they are teaming up with a great pilot) :lol: As soon as I jump into a tank the enemy must lick their lips and yank out every bloody bazooka, rocket and C4 they can get their hands on. Still, the maps are huge and when I get used to it, it'll be great! :D
Ewwww BF on console.... ewwwwwwwwwwwww lol.

BF should have only ever been on PC. They are good for a bit of fun, but if you ever want to get into in competitively with a clan - PC is the way to go.
I had no problem playing competitively on my basic ADSL connection - our clan ranked in the Top 3 in Australia for 3 years running, so we must have been doing something right haha.
No lag issues for me.. playing infantry only for the time being (BF), once I get used to it will try the other modes. It's crazy fun! I currently suck big time though! Emphasis on the 'currently' :p
For the value and money I'd rather buy an Xbox then waste another 6000 on a pc
For the value and money I'd rather buy an Xbox then waste another 6000 on a pc

6000 on a PC? What the F did you own? My mate just custom built his running a a new top of the range AMD quad core 4.3ghz processor, 16gig ram, water cooled Monster and it set him back $2500 inlcuding everything, blueray dvd player, twin Nvidia Graphic cards, twin 24inch screens, tower with 1200watt power supply etc etc etc.
I just spent a 'whopping' 85$ on my PC recently getting it back upto scratch and it plays (for eg) Crysis 2 Full graphics without even a second of delay. Plus graphics are smoother and plays and loads quicker then the typical 3 year old (newist version) of the Xbox 360!
I've got 3 x-box's, a Wii, a dsi, an ipad, macbook air and a pc and only ever play games on my pc :) Before anyone asks, the xboxes are only used as media centre extenders and the Wii sucks :)
For the value and money I'd rather buy an Xbox then waste another 6000 on a pc

who pays 6 grand on a PC? my last upgrade was $750 for an I7, motherboard, ram and kick **** video card.

and I can tell you, it craps all over any console for power, performance and usability.

but then, it's all in what and who you know, I build my own, so it's a LOT cheaper than by dodgy name brand systems (dell, hp, compaq, and all the other crap like them)
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