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New Member
Nov 28, 2011
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Firstly, Hi everyone!

I've just registered on this site and am looking to purchase and care for my first ever python! I am very new to the scene, have never owned a reptile before but have other animals in my care at the moment. I've always wanted a green tree python, only problem is I live in WA!! Anyone know if it is possible at all to obtain one or maybe even a jungle carpet python? I reallllyyyy want either one of these pythons, but am afraid that I wont be able to obtain one because I live here :(

All help is greatly appreciated!!
As the man said, they cannot be legally kept by hobbyists in WA. Nor are you likely to be able to do so in the foreseeable future. The Department of the Environment (DEC) is responsible for authorising and policing of the keeping of reptiles. They have an embargo on the importation of all pythons in an attempt to keep WA free of Boid/Body Inclusion Disease (IBD), a very nasty virus which only pythons (and boas) can contract. In addition to this, DEC is extremely reluctant to expand the current keeping list of 41 species and will not even consider any animal which does not occur naturally in WA. If you are super keen, perhaps you need to think about moving interstate

Green Tree Pythons are not a snake for beginners. You need to gain experience and understanding of keeping first so you can hone your skills in preparation for taking on a GTP. Jungles are a reasonable python to start with – a little more temperamental than some, but not too much.

Further to B1's comment, it's interesting that the first cases of IBD were actually diagnosed in Perth decades ago, so WA is not "free" of this disease. The embargo on importing pythons is simply a species separation management tool. I thought it was interesting that in the recent thread involving radio station NovaFM in Perth, a short video clip portrayed what was clearly a Coastal Carpet Python, despite it being describes as a SW Carpet Python.

There are at least several historically disease-free breeding collections here in the eastern states from which healthy animals could be obtained, including WA's own Rough-scaled Python. The IBD thing is simply a useful tool in DEC's desire to greatly restrict the movement of species into WA, and most people accept it without argument.

Royalties is all they are worried about at CALM or DECC whatever they are called these days,no money in captive breds.
Actually Jamie we are aware of a couple of pythons that got the green light to be brought in (after the embargo was in place). It seems all you need is to be good mates with a fellow named Peter...

I must admit that i have given up trying to explain the reality of DEC's stranglehold on our hobby, unless specifically asked. I found it was not good for my blood pressure.

Suffice to say, the attitudes and actions of those in control defy all reason.

Actually Jamie we are aware of a couple of pythons that got the green light to be brought in (after the embargo was in place). It seems all you need is to be good mates with a fellow named Peter...

I must admit that i have given up trying to explain the reality of DEC's stranglehold on our hobby, unless specifically asked. I found it was not good for my blood pressure.

Suffice to say, the attitudes and actions of those in control defy all reason.


Ha! Yes, I remember when I was a dealer in Perth, one young lady wanted a python for her belly-dancing act. I told her it was unlikely that she would get permission to use a reptile in such a circumstance, but she could try for a Reg 16, for "educational" purposes. I also said it took weeks or months to consider requests for a Reg 16 licence... Bugger me if she didn't ring me the next afternoon and tell me she got her Reg 16 after meeting with Peter Mawson... less than 24 hours after making the first approach...

I guess if all reptile keepers in WA were blonde with big boobs they'd have a much easier time of it...

No one can call me cynical :)

I would imagine that being a somewhat unorthodox utilisation of a reptile it was easier to demonstrate, rather than to describe how it was to be used. Not that this would have had any effect on the issue of the licence. I am sure it was merely coincidental that Mr. Mawson found himself at a loose end (perhaps not the most appropriate phrase) at that point in time and was able to issue permission on the spot.

Cynical Jamie? Never! Perish the thought...

sighhhhh. Ok well thanks for all the info everyone! :) Another question, I have printed out the application to get a license and apparently you need references to support your ability to look after herpetofauna... Now I actually don't know anyone at all that already owns a reptile or even at least in that business... Would asking a breeder/seller of reptiles to be my reference be sufficient enough or does the person actually need to know me?
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