phantom green butt kisser...

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Almost Legendary
Feb 11, 2008
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well well well, had a bugger in the loo who would surprise me when I would take a early morning pee ,like in the dark ,half asleep, and then SMACK big wet slap:shock:...he managed to get away on me several times BUT NOT THIS TIME ......



haha bet it would of scared you, least you were on toilet when it happend :p
love the way you start handling it after finding it in the loo - hope you washed your hands lol
Im guessing this is the end of a beautiful relationship.
Kermit just wanted some love ;)
lol moose, how much i miss your comments :p
TO ALL THAT ARE CONCERNED WITH THIS THREAD I JUST WANTED TO SAY I WASHED MY HANDS BEFORE AND AFTER TOUCHING THE FROG that is settled little butt kisser lives in my garden with all of his gtf' relo's eating bugs and having a grand time ...just no more swimming in my loo ...:)
its a green tree frog and I think you guys in VIC can have them on a permit .......i dont need a permit i have them everywhere ........:)
Oh? It looks much bigger than the ones I've seen! I must have just seen babies! I wish you could handle them more!
you can handle them as long as you keep your hands moist keep a spray bottle near by and wet your hands ....we always wet our hands before we touch them and always wash hands after ...they can get bigger than that to, but it was certainly a big boy that I had in my loo ....:lol:
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