pink under belly on python

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Not so new Member
Aug 16, 2009
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Adelaide hills
Hi herpe friends,

this is my first post so sorry if i'm in the wrong place. i have a ten year old queensland coastal python about 9.5 metres weighs 10.5 kg. she looks a bit overweight, tho i am new to this and really don't have one to compare with. for a while underneath she got a pinkish colour, so i put her on a diet which reduced it. do you think she's overfed? i give her one big rat only every 5-6 weeks now. she's out and about in the house, very friendly and active!

thanks, any help appreciated,

sorry theres no way that your snake is 9.5metres. i think you mean 9.5 feet. 10.5kg maybe alittle overweight. posting a picture of the pink belly and its size will help people answer your thread
You serious... 3.5 Metres?????

I have a Caostal 2.25M... And weighs 4.9kg... And even he is a lil overweight......
measured her again. she's 3.5 metres 10.5 kg, so if your 2.2 metre 4.9 kg coastal is overweight, she must be!!
Holy c##p!

I hope my coastal doesn't get to 10.5kg!! Sounds like a very big individual
yep, big and beautiful, has the run of the house (hers and mine except my bedroom!) and seems full of energy and health. still, from what i have learnt on this forum she's now on a diet = 1 large rat per month. does anyone have a similar sized carpet? if so i would love to know how much he/she eats...
Have you got a photo with something in background for coparison? Im curious to see how fat she is
does anyone have a similar sized carpet? if so i would love to know how much he/she eats...

Going back to 1998/99, i purchased a coastal from a local guy.

I have pic's somewhere in a box, but when we weighed him he was 10 and a half kilo's and 10 ft long.

I used to feed him up to 9 large rats in a sitting, pretty sure i've got pic's of his huge lump after a feed too.

He was the most placid animal i have ever owned, and beautifully marked too. He was great for education purposes and he was comfortable when being handled.
Sadly he died in about 2001/2002, approx age at the time was 23+

His name was Ali, i will dig up the pic's and post in a few days when i find them.


PS, the pink belly blemishes sound like a blood infection, Scepticemia, or Salmonella.

You should take him to a competent vet, he may need antibiotics, (he may just need alot more heat?)
i would LOVE to send a photo as i have got some, but am ashamed to say this is the first time i have posted in any forums (i'm probably your oldest member!) and i have no idea how to attach a photo. if there's anywhere else on the site, or anyone who can give me help it'd be much appreciated
Orientalis, i hope you can find those pics of Ali as he sounds just about josephine's size, tho a bit longer, but 9 large rats in one sitting!!!! she only ever gets one at a time and you can't see the lump. thanks for advice re vet - fortunately at this stage her belly has returned to white.

i'm still working on how to post photos with help from some contributors here :?
Go down to the bottom of this page,
Click 'go advanced'.

Write a message then scroll down to 'manage attachments' in additional options.

Click on the appropriate one, attach it, then press submit once it's loaded.
if that is to complicated copy paste the image into the writing section when you make a post
whew, thanks to all who helped josephine appear and hope she isn't too fat. her belly is back to normal, nice and white

my neighbour kindly posed for this, sorry a bit is missing
pink belly is pretty common with diamonds when they get all excited about feeding - do a search of the forums and you'll find a few topics on it...
whew, thanks to all who helped josephine appear and hope she isn't too fat. her belly is back to normal, nice and white

my neighbour kindly posed for this, sorry a bit is missing

Am i missing something here too? lol. where is josephine? :D
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