Please help im really worried My baby carpet pythons nostrils are closed up and he can only breath thrue his mouth and his top jaw has one side bigger than the other does any one know what is wrong with him and hit I can help him thanks
Thanks my local reptile vet is away on holidays and won't be back for another week my tank is set to go no higher then 28 degrees I don't have a car so I can't get out to another vet but I will take him ASAP just trying to find a solution before then I'm worried a week will be too long thanks heaps
His has no nostrils what so ever his nose is like a big scab he is a coastal carpet I will turn the heat up thanks u can't post a pic at the moment but this afternoon after work I can thank u all for ur help
I'm not too sure I have seen him fall off a vine in his cage before but I went away for a week and had my grandmother looking after him and when I got back his nostrils were closed
Also, if you can let us know the general area you live in (NOT your actual address) that would be good - There could be a member in your vicinity willing to help out.
I can't get in contact with them I've had him for about 6 months he would prob ably only. Be about a year old the person I got it from just gave it to me they no longer wanted him so I took him trying to give him a better home they didn't have him in good conditions and wernt the nicest of people I have been looking for them but I don't think they would be much help
I have to preface this by saying that I have virtually no experience in this area but to me the priority is to clear his nostrils so he can breath a bit more easily. You said it appeared to be scabbed, maybe if you swim him in warm water for 10-20 minutes ensuring his scabs get wet it might soften them enough for you to be able to at least carefully free the area around his nostrils? Just my initial unqualified thought.
Thank you very much firepac I will try this tonight just for now while I try sorting out how to get him to another vet do you have any idea what I should use to do this I don't want to hurt him