Please help - children's python not eating!!!

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Jul 22, 2010
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My 2 and 1/2 year old (approximate) children's python has stopped eating. He shed early January (normal shed), and stopped eating then, but hasn't resumed eating again. Its been over a month since his last meal - and its Feburary!!!

His hot end is set to about 31 degrees and has been in his enclosure for over a year and half and never had issues before. I am assuming that he has not started hibernating yet - seeing as it is still really hot.

I have contemplated taking him to the vet - but I'm not sure how much they can do... Any theories would be greatly appreciated!
It is getting to that time of the year where the Antaresia will start to turn off
food. A lot of our adult males have stopped eating and it wont be long before the females will follow.

By the way they dont hibernate they brumate there is a big difference and when they decide to stop eating no amount of heat will start them again untill we hit spring.
A month really isn't that long. Don't stress. Have you changed anything recently? Even something like a new hide can be enough
I know a month isn't really that long for him in terms of nutrition requirements - I was just concerned with the time of year it has started. I thought it would kick in around late March early April. Especially since it started in January.

He did have a smaller hide when he first stopped eating, and I'm pretty sure that he couldn't fit in it anymore, which was my original theory on why he stopped eating, but I got him a new one - which he loves :) but still hasn't started eating again. So it could possibly be a mixture of stress and then brumating???? (thanks for the tip beeman!)
Its usually a maturity thing with Antaresia as we can usually keep juvies feeding
right through the winter season.
Nothing to worrie about as long as it is healthy and in good condition.
We have one male here that only eats for 2 months in the year and never drops condition.
My spotted also stops eating around March, even though she has a heat light and mat. She starts eating again around late September. She is 8 years old and has done it for quite awhile and seems to be in great condition It used to really worry me, but not any more as I found out it is quite common for them to do this.
Without trying to hijack how do you know the difference between going off or just refusing a feed? My female Mac refused this week and I kinda thought maybe it's getting to that time for them. She smelled it heaps and seemed pretty curious but just wouldn't grab it. Is this the way they normally are? My other snakes eat all year round so I haven't experienced brumination yet.
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