My pleasure Dizyben, happy to help.Thanks for identifying the skin Bushman. I appreciate your expertise
I enjoyed working with you on this. Even though it's not the species of snake that you were wanting to hear has taken up residence, literally at your back door step, at least you know what you're dealing with. If it continues to hang around then you can ring one of the local wildlife rescue groups like WIRES or one of the private companies that service your area to relocate it. Be mindful to watch your step in the meantime!
Thanks $NaKe PiMp. I appreciate your contribution to this thread. I respect your opinion on these matters.hey bushman
Temporolabial scale is a large lower temporal scale,which is present on some elapids but not on Pseudonaja apparently.
good id bushman,pictures of skins make it harder than actually examining the real thing, and the confusion between Pseudechis porphyriacus and Pseudonaja textilis is
At first glance they both have 17 scales mid body
both have divided anal scale
Black snakes first few subcaudals are single then rest are divided
While browns subcaudals are usually all divided somtimes the first few are single
ive noticed the dark pigment of Black Snakes is usally notacible and retained in the sloughed skin acoss head and back
heres a picture i took of Pseudechis porphyriacus head scalation and you can see what Bushman was explaining about the Frontal scale which is different to Pseudonaja
Your photo illustrates the Red-bellied Black Snake head scales quite well. Thanks for posting. 8)