Please help Jacky not eating

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Nov 3, 2009
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I have had my jacky for 4 mths and was eating very well and growing great! but now he will not eat - has not eaten for nearly 3 weeks! He loved crickets and now - no way!! plz help I have tried different things plz any suggestions?????:cry:
does ur jacky get calcium suppliments AND have access to a good UVB source?

if so what brands, age of lights and distance away from the dragon,....
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He has a ultra violet light (reptile but this is about 2 mths old) and a 50w sun glo (exo terra) above a rock! Last time he ate I dusted the crickets in calcium powder which was 3wks ago this thurs! thanks chris
i had the same problem and for about a week i had 2 hold him and open his mouth and put them in for him then he go back to eating fine
I did try this a few times (hes so stubborn) he spits it out lol!! but i will try again! thank you
reptile lights come in 2 varieties, some with only UVA and some with UVA and UVB. (8 or 10% are better)
they need to get within 6-8 inches of the tubes or coils to have any effect,....if not they are prone to calcium deficiencies.

if you have a mesh cage or a way to securely get ur jacky into the sun that couldnt hurt,..

Reptile Trader - MBD aka Metabolic Bone Disease - Blognow
read that, the symptoms described are in more advanced stages, they generally stop eating first.
theres heaps more info on the net, i just found this one was pretty user friendly. :)

are you positive it couldnt be anything to do with that?

if u are, describe ur setup, temps, substrate etc,...
thanks so much for that information! I think the best thing to do is take him to the vet :)
Same with my Black Soild Bearded, hes not eating much at all but if i get him heaps hot he'll eat like 2 Woodies at max. Where he used to eat like 6 Woodies in 2mins 8|
I have had a blue tongue for 12 mths and never any problem i let him roam round my back yard while im out there! the jacky seems a little scared outside but still take him in the sun -he was going great and ever since his last big feed nearly 3 wks ago will not eat anything and im getting worried tried everything (all take him to the vets)
if ur taking him to the vet anyway see if the vet can check him for worms/parasites, thats another thing that would affect his appetite. and are commonly passed on by crickets.

did he do a big poo after his last big feed?
(as in hes not constipated?)
still moving around well?
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