Not an expert on PTS , but suspect their care needs will be very similar to EWS and BTS . My water skink lived for over 7 years and eventually died of old age and was never sick except in her last few months.
Personally I'd never feed cat or dog food to a pet lizard as a staple. Yes like others here, I've observed wild skinks raiding cat and dog food bowls , this doesn't mean these foods are good foods for them to eat.
I think you'll wind up with a healthier skink if you feed him live insects like roaches, crickets, silkworms, snails along with a mix of vetafarm lizard pellets and maybe even juvenile beardie pellets (softened) , mixed with greens and grated/diced veg and maybe an occasional soft boiled egg and boiled lean chicken mince.
Too bad no one sells BSF maggots , they would be an ideal staple feeder insect.
Like BTS , PTS do need UVB and UVA (5% UVB for them) and they need a warmish basking spot. (about 35C I think).
Thanks for the info
I'd like to move him off dog food, but ATM i'm just feeding him that untill he's fully settled in and more open to trying different foods.
I bought some of the lizard pellets the other day, and am waiting to see if he likes them. I'd like to get roaches, but my local reptile store doesn't have any, i'll try crickets though. He seems to be okay with salad.
He's got a 5% UV in there I believe, the basking spot i'm working on now lol.