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I am sorry i have been critised for asking for some advice on reptiles As I am new to keeping them.We, my father and I, have had a basic wildlife licence for over 15 years now, and keep and have kept a extensive range of licenced and unlicenced birds for at least that period of time with great success in keeping and breeding exotic birds,In better then and greater care then you would see In most setups.He has encouraged me to come on this site to ask as many questions as posible to learn from you all here,And as a social outlet.

Also I have come here,Asking for advice, because I do care for the wellbeing of these animals.The setup i bought was already in use, housing all types of reptiles and was sold to me in good will, as ready to go.As were the reptiles,The sales people were told of our situation and these were sold to us as beginners,As they are the family reptiles not just mine.We aslo have bought a few good books to read up on and have been doing some reserch on the net aswell.

I am sorry you think me keeping these reptiles is cruel.But there are people in society who think just keeping any animal out of its natural habitat is cruel,But I dont judge these people.Some of these specie one day will be extinct in the wild and I hope to be in a position if that happens to be able to release if needed captive breed livestock back into the wild.

I am sorry you found my post upsetting, but I will still post questions if needed in the future to help in the welfare of these animals.And i hope i will get advice from those who care to answer my questions.
Don't worry too much, Courtney. You're doing all the right things. The humidity being a bit high isn't a death threat at the moment, particularly if he's shedding.
Keep asking questions, and ignore the politics.

Dont know if this will work or not but heres a try.
here is the setup.I am having trouble getting the microclimate to get up tp 30 degrees.the sensor is in the middle unit and a ceramic bulb in the top and a radiant heat lamp in the bottom.Will have a swap around with globes etc to try to get temp up.It is 28 at the moment.This is how it was set up and i was told was right.I bought the units a few months ago from a pet shop getting out of reptiles.

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Courtney ,
whats the humidity at now ? , have u got a pic of the snake enclosure .
aslong as the temp has been raised from 25c and the humidity isnt 68% then it should be fine .
Thank-you! I'm glad someone understands what I'm trying to get across!

We must be special ;)

I get where you're coming from, and I get where Courtney is coming from.

When something appears to go wrong with a new animal, it's a huge stress, and you want answers immediately. I'm not saying that everyone should go out and buy a snake and then ask questions later, but shedding is a usually forgotten thing compared to heat, humidity, enclosure and feeding, as it's not something one who hasn't kept reptiles would come across as.

Yes we're sick of answering questions like this, but it doesn't give the right to rip someone to pieces if they are genuine! And if they're not, leave it to the mods! exactly right emily +1
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I have posted the pictures of my enclosures above the temp is now at 28c and humidity is 58%
Look up thermoregulation and understand why a heat gradient in the enclosure is critical. I mentioned this a couple of times and it is important.

Get some hides in both the warm end of the enclosure and the cool end.

Keep an eye on your humidity levels and get them down further - a smaller water dish may suffice, can't really tell the size of it accurately from the pictures. This will keep your humidity down.
I have posted the pictures of my enclosures above the temp is now at 28c and humidity is 58%
the snake enclosure is the one with the infra red globe ? if yes then i would be geting a larger light cage for it because the cage is pretty close to the globe [ it even looks like the cage is touching the globe ] if the cage gets hot , and the snake decides to lay on the cage it will bbq the snake in no time .
No the snake is not in that one the jacky dragon is in the infra red enclosure. yes i have just notcied that today and pointed that out to my father tonight and he is going to fix it tomorrow. The snakes are in the 3ft enclosures
This Stimson python was purchased with these enclosuers and lived in this enclosure for 2 years in the shop where i brought him from.
This Stimson python was purchased with these enclosuers and lived in this enclosure for 2 years in the shop where i brought him from.

Okay, regardless of the research you have or have not done, you are in possession of reptiles and now we need to get their enclosures right.

Have you searched thermoregulation and heat gradients yet? If you are struggling with this, PM me and I can go through it with you in as much detail as you need. Did you understand what I meant by having hides in both the warm end and the cool end? Do you understand humidity?

I will not flame you if you don't understand. At this point, we simply need to know what your level of understanding actually is in order to help you. I am more than happy to go through all of this with you in very basic terms so that you understand it all, and then you can go off on your own and build up your knowledge.
it's funny how new keepers try to do so much when less is best...
I learned rep. husbandry from an experienced keeper... and it's amazing what shops will tell you, and the net often is no help because of so many different opinions.
It will more often then not turn off new keepers from the hobby.

One enclosure, one source of heat that reaches a high enough temperature to recharge the snakes internal heat, water and a clean environment is all you need to start off with for a reptile to live.
(not getting into gtp's and other hard to keep species)

Eventually new keepers will find their groove and become sensible keepers.
good luck to you
already been said but your snake is about to shed meaning geting new skin no need to panic happens to every reptile and your encloser is not set up correctly 25 is not enough and humidity is far to high
Herp Help forum is for helping members with problems.. not for arguing or lecturing them..
maybe some people need to "research" the site rules before posting in this forum again..

please keep all off topic chit chat out of this forum.. its for answering the questions of the thread poster and responses are to remain on topic and be helpful not critical thanks..

this is a quote from the owner of this site from the thread sticky at the top of this herp help forum called -
Please read before posting in herp help. - which couldn't be clearer in my opinion.
You are welcome to advice the member to take the reptile to vet, but please DON'T CRITICIZE PEOPLE FOR NOT DOING THAT.
If you have no helpful advice to post here, stay out and don't post in this forum.

From now on we will issue infractions to people posting not helpful rubbish in this forum

also take not of general site rules:
Rule 5. No flooding of the forums. Posts must be meaningful and not waste the time of other site users.
Rule 6. Posts must remain on the topic of the thread.
Rule 7. Leave all non-herpetology related posts within the "Chit Chat" forum, in which you can talk about anything you wish (within guidelines left to the discretion of the Moderators/Administrators).
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