Political correctness/I weep for humanity

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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My dad told me today that he heard on the radio today that we're not allowed to call pets (cats, dogs, reptiles etc.) pets. We are now supposed to call them 'Non human companions'. Political correctness at its best, this is in the same league as the black sheep fiasco. What is wrong with people? Has anyone heard anything like this or any stories?

I weep for humanity
I have a bridge here in Sydney for sale, quite reasonable. Are you interested in buying it?
I'm too afraid to post in this thread, everyone is offended by something these days. :rolleyes:

(Sadly, I wouldn't be surprised if someone found this post offensive :p)
An artillery shell intentionally fired at an area populated by civilians makes me weep..... not what I'm asked to call the dog.
Is it just me or is everyone moody tonight?

MathewB, I think its pretty ridiculous too.
If the word pets can be removed just like that, then maybe you will soon be weeping for the multi coloured , many shaped homo sapiens of earth.

By the way I used to work in radio, sometimes they report rubbish, save your tissues : )
My dad told me today that he heard on the radio today that we're not allowed to call pets (cats, dogs, reptiles etc.) pets. We are now supposed to call them 'Non human companions'. Political correctness at its best, this is in the same league as the black sheep fiasco. What is wrong with people? Has anyone heard anything like this or any stories?

I weep for humanity
Don't you have something real to worry about?
Yeah and it's incorrect to call your bf "boyfriend" these days too...Now you have to say "man-sized pain in the ***" or "cookie-devouring human shaped monster"
So now we can all rent anywhere,we now have no pets to complicate renting,just alot of 'Non human companions'
tell your father to stop listening to right wing radio stations haha
no one anywhere has suggested this name change, it's sensationalist rubbish from some silly buggers on some silly station, the fact some of you took it as real is very telling :lol: oh my, side slapping indeed :D
some people will believe anything! say, I have this bridge for sale, send me your fathers phone number :p
Next you know, they'll be letting them dark skinned folks on the public transport system... Oh the humanity...

Maybe we should all move to Uranus....
These are the same people who claim you can't "own" a pet.
Just moronic,misguided people with too much time on their hands.
I'm sure the animals don't care what we call them!

(and the snakes don't get a vote in this cos they can't hear what we call them anyway;))
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