Post-feeding hideouts.....

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Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2009
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Hey all. i'm sure this is a reeeeeeaaally easy one, but i havent seen my boy for 48 hours straight, following feeding.
He's a 3 yo coastal, and i've only had him a few days, and i have given him his first proper hide (well, its just a box, but he loves it).
I fed him yesterday morning, and he hasnt come out since. I know they like to chill out while they digest... should he have made some sort of appearance?
Thats very strange,mine come out off their hides nearly every morning to say hello.LOL...He is most likely coiled up digesting the food item,its not uncommon to see your snake every day,could it be days apart b4 you notice him,can you see in the hide box whether he is stil in there...MARK
My Girl will eat, heat up for about an hour then hide for a day then cruise in and out of the heat, so you could say he's OK. They're all different, in a few months you'll get to know his pattern. I'll bet you worry when he comes up to shed too..... mine won't come out for up to a week,when she's about to shed, almost like she's having a "bad day hair day" and won't be seen dead in public LOL.
if your've only had it for a few days don't worry about it, it's probably just getting used to it new home

post some pics of it and it's home
his current home is pretty shameful.... the a$$h*le who had him before was keeping him in a 60cm tank (he's 2m long). and he had lice, so all ornaments etc have been chucked, and he has newspaper and a cardboard box. i'm picking up a new enclosure on the weekend, that is 1420 x 700h and has ropes and branches and fun stuff. cant wait to see him 'stretch his legs' (lol). and will take pics then.... right now, pics of a cardboard box wouldnt be too interesting... he's hidden away pretty snug!
hmmmm, he's still tucked away in there..... how long is too long?

No need to worry. A lot will hide away until they've fully finished digesting their meal. Of course, snakes hide a lot in general anyway. This isn't something to be concerned about.

They'll also hide for extended periods of time when coming up for a slough.
have you taken him out yet ? see how he acts ? id agree with saying he's most likely trying to get used to a new home and being moved, especially into an environment that doesnt include mites. (well done :D )

but id take him out and see how he acted.
have you taken him out yet ? see how he acts ? id agree with saying he's most likely trying to get used to a new home and being moved, especially into an environment that doesnt include mites. (well done :D )

but id take him out and see how he acted.
ha ha. i just took out his box that he is all curled up in. he didnt do anything... just looked at me from in there. i can see he is still pretty fat from his rat, so i guess he's just chillin. lol
i'm not really worried i guess, just impatient! i want to play! :rolleyes:
depending on the size of the rat, u might be waiting a few days to play!! However, probably should leave for a week or two to settle. Oh, hangon, its in the same enclosure isnt it. Hmmm,
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