Lightning, my new baby Woma

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AussiePythons Supporter
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Oct 22, 2011
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Yesterday I recieved my two snakes from Seaside Serpentz. Lightning is very confident and is already out exploring his enclosure (and had a couple of potshots at me while I put him in).

He was born late october last year, and was meant to be delivered before christmas, but then I also ended up buying a spotted python as well (Thunder) who was hatched around the same time. I'd post pic of both but Thunder is a shy little lady and hides a lot at the moment while settling in.

Lightning has stopped striking at the walls of his tub whenever I go by so I guess he is getting used to my presence. At least now I can take the lid off and give him a bit more decor (both snakes are getting a small half log as an extra hide and climbing area).

Since he is so bold and Woma's are so food driven, I have a fuzzy in the fridge coming up from freezer temperatures and will fully defrost it tomorrow and give it to him.

He is an absolutly gorgeous snake, his striking patterning made him stand out when the breeder showed me some of her collection. Thunder is also a pretty snake too, and when she comes out of her shell I'll post a picture of her too.

I really want to pick up and handle my snakes, its not in their best interests yet though, I have to have patience and wait till they are feeding well in their tubs, then let them have a day or 2 to digest, then try handling.

Lightning ate today - earned his name - food was down the hatch in a flash!

Woma's are weird. First time feeding a new snake and I accidentally dropped the mouse into his enclosure. I decided to see what he would do. Like a heat seeking missile he zero'ed in on the mouse and gobbled it up!

Should name him "Aim 9 Sidewider" haha


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Yep countless times now - hes a really placid snake although tonight he struck at nothing; probably my motion as I opened his enclosure to change his water. When I returned he was fully out of his hide and I plonked my hand down inside and he came over to investigate me, and then went on his merry way around his home with ah "oh, its only you!" attitude.

he is normally used to my fast movements as he has spen time slung around my neck as I work in my server rack, All the warm air from the computers makes him feel comfy as I work on the machines in there. The other day Iwas changing the cpu's in my big server and flipped the screwdriver from one hand to the other and he didn't even flinch. He is a good boy.

Oh and he is quite a bit bigger than the photo in this post, he's now gulping down weaner mice, and I'm gonna get him some rats to give him a more nutritious diet!