pregnant???? how do i know

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Aug 13, 2008
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hi all my first post i have 3 beardies in same enclosure and all got on very well i think one of them is pregnant for she is very hard and bloated im sure she has eggs so if she has can someone please give me the run down on how i go about all this how does she lay what should i have for her to lay do i remove her after she lays and what to do with the eggs if she lays i need to know the wholeprocess im very excited and want to do this right so all help and information will be very much appreciated thanks and look forward to your replys
1st you need an incubator asap cant leave the eggs in there conditions arent right and the other will probably eat the eggs,
thats all i can really help you with but you do need an incubator.
ok first of all
do u have an incubator already?
is there anychance ur other beardy may be pregnant aswel?
is it 2 females and one male?
do u have any sand in there and has she been digging in it?
ok well i am new to all this and i dont know what sexes they all are they are about 6 to 8 months old ok no i dont have a incubator can i make my own im pretty handy yes the tank has white sand bottom and for digging well dont think it is very diffrent from usual can post pics later if that helps at all too also how long does she usally carry them for before she will lay ive just kinda notice it about 2 weeks ago and the last couple of days she has gone really big and hard belly
hmm shes so younge she might have impaction is she eating and whats her behaviour like ur saying her yummy is hard? has she been pooping?
If a beardy is gravid, you will usually be able to visibly see the bulges of the eggs through her belly.
6-8 months seems way to young for her to be gravid.
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