Probationary accounts?

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Bug collector

Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2007
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ummmmmmmm sumone fix my account hahaha the mods wont reply to my mesages, i wonder y:p yeh aparently i dont hav permision to view the forums or any of the threads, n the only way i can post is to log out an go thru all this stupid stuff an then log in agen. OO A BIRD! umm is stary havin the same prob? it wont let me see what mods r online or anything so can sumone fix it soon? it wont let me in chat either:(:(:( hahaha my account is like in a state of semi-banned-ness :|
relax, walk away from the computer and come back later........

posting useless multiple posts like this wont help get it fixed any quicker!
you could always just post 1 thread in APS discussion, and poiltely ask what it is you have done, and see if you can redeem yourself somehow. or if you have done nothing, just ask politley wat is going on :D thats what i would do. and be patient

I have a feeling that you'll be banned again very soon, so I would say chill out, walk away from the computer and lay off the caffeine. Even if you have been put under some restrictions I would wait it out, because you'll probably dig a deeper grave by spamming.
Welcome to the APS rehabilitation programme.
The mods at APS are more than happy to give people a second chance. However, some people are up to their fourth or fifth chance. It is no longer quite so easy to start a new account under a false name. Some people have found this out the hard way. The mod team have decided to become proactive and try help people help themselves.
Some members will be allowed back on APS with a probabtionary account until they can prove that they will no longer cause trouble on our site. Part of this probation is no access to the chatroom. It also appears that there may be a time delay between posts as well.
The majority of members that behave themselves will not be effected by this in anyway.
Question answered: Thread closed.
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