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"Bredli said a 'Tree-snake', and i can only asume he knows what a Tree snake looks like, and most people that are 'into' herps who have seen them, would'nt mistaken them, if he say's he knows, then i believe him.....I cannot comment on the ones from the Gold coast, but the ones in N.Q, vary alot from black, green, to all 'shades of blue', and the blue could very well be viewed as purple!!!, sounds like a awesome blue phase Tree to me, in this case more so purple......"
"Purple boobs, looks blue to me, what would i know?"
"Have you ever seen a million dollars? Then how do you know it exists?"

Just because we've never seen something, it doesn't mean it's not there. Anything is possible.
I found the snake at mt coottha botanic gardens in Brisbane. And it was definatly not a yellow faced whip snake. It did not have yellow rings around its eyes.
bredli, how are you. I dont doubt what you seen, but just for interests sake can you describe its markings better? when you say a band across the length of its body what do you mean? you mean a stripe? and the two lines across the eyes, do you mean joining the two eyes or a yellow mark on each eye?
I cant belive the way some people jumped on you and had a go, im not saying it wasnt a tree snake. As someone said, blue and purple are all but the same colour, i have no doubt there are purplish phase tree snakes.
"Have you ever seen a million dollars? Then how do you know it exists?"

Well because if you get enough $100 notes then it will eventually add up to 1 million....But i can see where you are coming from.
The main fact has nothing to do with wheater or not it was a purple tree snake, but the fact it was most probably an elapid and he shouldn't just go around picking things up unless he has a POSITIVE identification. Gambling with your life or health is not something you should do.
Nothing is impossible these days................just highly improbable..............don't jump all over bredli just because he has a differing opinion of a snake to most of does not sound like a whip snake to me but possibly a blue phase tree snake in the sun.........and this would look purple to people who have seen it................also it could be that bredli has stumbled on a new phase of tree snakes..............and that would make most of us jealous.................good on ya bredli for bringing a good question to the forum..............

This is exactly the sort of behaviour that has sparked off the arguments lately which has led to slatey not being moderator anymore...............

Stop bitching unless you have evidence to back it up..................

Maybe bredli could ask the snake politely next time if he can take its picture for all you disbelievers out would just be the thing if the snake stuck his tongue out and said stuff off fella.............i dont think they would appreciate me...............heheheheheheh
Billions of people believe in GOD without ever seeing him/her but one person says they SAW a purple tree snake and no one believes him.

GO FIGURE !!!!!!!
craig23 said:
bredli, how are you. I dont doubt what you seen, but just for interests sake can you describe its markings better? when you say a band across the length of its body what do you mean? you mean a stripe? and the two lines across the eyes, do you mean joining the two eyes or a yellow mark on each eye?
I cant belive the way some people jumped on you and had a go, im not saying it wasnt a tree snake. As someone said, blue and purple are all but the same colour, i have no doubt there are purplish phase tree snakes.

Hi craig23,yes it had stripes with a line going across each eye like a juv GTP. And it was a dark purple colour.
Dicco said:
The main fact has nothing to do with wheater or not it was a purple tree snake, but the fact it was most probably an elapid and he shouldn't just go around picking things up unless he has a POSITIVE identification.

Agreed. But how do you know it wasn't a Tree Snake? Most of us have accepted that bredli knows what he's talking about, and that the snake was a GTS. I found GTS and Yellowfaced Whips in my backyard, and physically they are very different. I don't htink it a stretch to believe that bredli can tell the difference too.

Gambling with your life or health is not something you should do.
Agreed again. But you're the only one convinced it was an elapid.


dicco... ive neaver heard of a purple elapids in brisbane number 1. Number 2, if you dont know what a snake is, then treat it like it is dangerous until identified as otherwise. Simple as that. It doesnt mean you have to run away and not take a photo. 3, regardless of colour, most people with descent experience and identify most snakes by looking at them pretty easy. even if its a red eastern brown, I bet most can tell you its a brown.
In my first post in this thread I was suposed to say I found heaps of green and BLUE phase tree snakes and even three black ones. Just incase any body got confused
I don't know much about GTS but I can say that I believe what he saw. Has anyone ever seen a purple Indian Ringneck ( a parrot for those of you who don't know)? I have which leads me to believe anything is possible. Onya Bredli for mentioning it. Hope you see it again and get some great pics.... :)
Not knowing the background of ones knowledge of their local herps is no excuse for telling they are wrong. Having caught many species of elapids and green tree snakes, I'm know I can tell the difference. Why would you automatically assume that it would be a yellow faced whip snake? I've never heard of a purple one of those before.
While I've never heard of a purple phase tree snake, refraction of light on blues scales could quite easily appear purple. Ever seen an Olive look like a rainbow ar a Red belly look blue on parts when scales hit the sun just right. Quite possibly with the light and shadows, anything is possible.
Love to see a purple on Bredli, good luck on your next hunt.
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