Pygmy Bearded Dragon Advice

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Very Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
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I dont keep them as such, but my brother has two which he bought when they were 4 months old roughly last year at the Castle Hill expo.

The tank is set up all fine, right temps etc. But they both have never eaten any vegies. They were a little bit of a pain to feed, and still are a little fussy. They are getting crickets, roaches which they wernt eating many of really, but then we tried meal worms and they both smash them down, but i know they arnt to good for them.

So what im wondering, does anyone know what the problem it? Or if its just the animal and being one of the fussy ones. All in all, they are healths and active and pooing fine, its just the face that they havnt eaten vegies.

Hi, was wondering what kind of veggies your feeding or trying to feed..they can be very fussy when it comes to veggies,I've had trouble with one of mine eating as may have to try different things to see what they like and feed that,but always keep trying to get then to eat a variety.. The thing that sounds weird to me is they don't smash the crickets or woodies but rather the mealworms..that's weird.. Have they always been like that and did you know what they were feeding on before you got them?.. they are very fussy with food but yeh try n stay off the mealworms..there still a little young and mealworms shouldn't be a staple feeder yeh keep trying with the veggies n stick with crickets or woodies..sorry wish I could help more..
I have noticed that green beans diced up are the best for my downs bearded dragon. She will only eat one or 2 little chunks though out of say 2-3 green beans.
My male has never ever been inclined to eat veggies, and like you mention with your brothers' my male also shows very little enthusiasm when it comes to eating insects too. My female however loves her food, including any fruit or veg that I've ever offered her (except blueberries, she's scared of them). I have got a dozen hatchlings at the moment and most of them have started eating veggies. I think it really comes down to the individual lizard, they all have different personalities, but it definitely helps to offer veggies to them at as young an age as possible.
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