Pygmy Mulga Montior

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Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2008
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I currently have an adult male Pygmy Mulga Monitor and wish to breed him (once I find a female). When/If they had babies, would the parents eat them if i left them in the tank together?

I would not be keeping the babies with the parents when they were young.

You will definitely have to remove the eggs to incubate them as these will likely be eaten also.

I have not kept Pigmy's but have kept Accies and my experience is to get a happy family group (of adults) and not tamper with it. Introducing babies into a family group like this even if they did not get eaten could well end in tears.
Hatchling Gilleni are smaller than Garden Skinks - bite size... :D

Keep them seperate...
yes i wouldnt recomend put juvie gillens in with adults,adults would likely eat them,there tiny in comparison,they lay eggs to by the way,not live birth so u need to take the eggs out and incubate them,im sure you know that though,but just in case they dont have live babys as a bluetongue would
heres 3 hatchlings i hatched this season,the container there in is what i incubate the eggs in,its a small plastic tub like what u get pisies crickets in just for a size comparison


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Pygmy Mulgas get along much, much, much better than Ackies, you can split up groups and add new individuals, they all get along very well, they're not little pyschos like Ackies often are, but you're still best off not mixing tiny babies (they hatch at about 14cm in length) with adults.
sdaji,where do u get the aggression of ackies from,ive kept over 40 ackies and mine have been mellower than my gillens,i know that ridgeys can get agressive but it isnt the rule with them
I get it from the dozen or so I've seen kill (and often also eat) each other, and the first hand reports of several dozen more cases. If you've kept that many without any problems you must either be very lucky of have a particularly peaceful line.

I don't keep any monitors any more, so people can stop accusing me of being biased in order to try to sell mine :lol: (incidentally, I never had any trouble anyway :p )

Being APS, I suppose I've just given the cue for people to argue about monitor aggression, etc etc. I'll leave the thread now :)

sdaji,where do u get the aggression of ackies from,ive kept over 40 ackies and mine have been mellower than my gillens,i know that ridgeys can get agressive but it isnt the rule with them
lol im not sugesting bias mate,i keep both types,plus storrs and a few larger types,never had my ackies harm each other,even in groups of 5,storrs ive kept 2 pairs,my first pair the female killed my male,they were agressive at times,my second pr have been mellower with each other than my pr of gillens,mind u my gillens arent aggressive,they used to combat wrestle like male combat,lol,causing me to rethink my assumption they were a pr,but they layed for the first time last season so there obviously a pr,im raising one of the bubs to add to these 2 when its big enough,will see how it goes,i understand your comments on the gillens,they do seem to get along great,,i know people who keep ackies in groups and never have probs,1 guy even kept 3 males and 3 females together,never had aggression issues and they were all added together over time,so not at once,ive also seen and heard of ackies killing each other,not denying it does happen,but like i said i dont think its super common,probably more male/male fighting or maybe a male being to aggressive with a female,if kept right,temps and food wise,they wont feel the need to compete as much though and would get along much better,maybe i have been lucky with my lot,i did lose my female last season to probs with and after egg laying unfortunatly,but i purchased a cheap one in the hope of another female but its also a male,which i introduced to my big male,they get on great,have done for months now,bloody things even try to mate each other at the same time,lol,im in the process of aquiring a trio of alice springs type,so will see how they go
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