Python not feeding

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Not so new Member
Feb 18, 2007
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Hey guys,

Basically my darwin python is not interested in eating. He's about 9 months old and until now hes been a great feeder. I moved house a few weeks ago, but he has had 1 or 2 feeds since then. though the last feed looked like he passed it very quickly or regurgitated(spelling?) it. then he pooed again not long after. i thought he may have been over fed so i haven't offered anything for nearly three weeks. but hes still not interested. I noticed his eyes were a bit milky and his skin was grey so i thought he was going to shed. but nothing so far.the symptoms of shedding are now gone. while he was grey he was really aggressive, hence i thought he was going to shed. but hes calmed down now. So im abit baffled at why hes not even interested in food. Generally he wastes no time in striking when foods on offer. His health seems fine. only thing i can think of is that he is going to shed soon so hes not interested.

any info would be appreciated. I'm not too worried at this point as i know they can go with out food for awhile.

I think your right in that he is about to shed.
Try to get the humidity up in his enclosure (add water bowl at hot end and minimise vents) this will help in the shedding process.
Good luck
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