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what is the best herp and why

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Not so new Member
Jan 14, 2009
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i want to know which herp do you think is the best and please explain why. also say if it is hard to get (tree snake).
common guys. tell me what are the best herps and why.tell me if you have had them
i would say pythons because i love them but dont have any atm but lizards are easy to keep same with skinks. btw i have a beardiie
There are alot harder to obtain reptiles then tree snakes lol.

because theyre , fragile, cant really play with them as much as one would like to = owner looking forward to the next play session. looks cool, doesnt poop like dogs do everyday, doesnt need constant attention like dogs or macaws, doesnt scream like cats at night, doesnt ask to be pat, doesnt need to go on for walks, always has its eye opened, cool looking patterns of owners choice, it sheds its skin which is so cool, the way it eats its food which is so cool, its almost like a baby that needs constant monitoring of its enclosure's temperature however it doesnt cry like a real baby which is cool, most ppl are scared of snakes and when you say you own one as a pet you feel like a tough dude for a minute.
when you say you own one as a pet you feel like a tough dude for a minute.
It's a little sad, but undeniabley true :lol::lol:

My favourites are Australia's colubrids. I love pythons too, but I think brown tree snakes have brilliant, fiesty and fun personalities. Common tree snakes are marvelous because they're diurnal and more active than a python, meaning you occasionally actually see them move! :lol:
My favourites are Australia's colubrids. I love pythons too, but I think brown tree snakes have brilliant, fiesty and fun personalities. Common tree snakes are marvelous because they're diurnal and more active than a python, meaning you occasionally actually see them move! :lol:[/quote]

but colubrids like northern brown tree snake might look cool but i very dangerous. they are mildly poisonous and many of them bites and if they do, you are in some trouble. also all colubrids make a foul odour from their anal gland whenever you hold them or play with them (fart)

pythons i reckon are muich better than elapids and colubrids put together
If I have to answer would be elapids, Waiting for my license (elapid license that is)
If I have to answer would be elapids, Waiting for my license (elapid license that is)

why would you want an elapid snake. they are deadly venemous and you wouldn't be able to hold them. elapids go a bit too far
Most people don't keep snakes just to "hold them".

In most cases you'll be fine from a bite from a colubrid such as a brown tree snake. The only time you'll really be in danger from it is if you're two feet tall and about six months of age, or you're allergic to the venom. But, the point is to really not get bitten in the first place.

Elapids are awesome. I plan on getting my licence next year.
why would you want an elapid snake. they are deadly venemous and you wouldn't be able to hold them. elapids go a bit too far

Each to their own... everybody is different and like different things, I dont keep snakes to hold them and id say the majority of people on here are the same. And I wouldnt say that Colubrids are 'very dangerous' either not unless your allergic to venom. Im a big fan of elapids and plan to keep them in the future.

Id have to say pythons are my favourites overall just for their looks and the safety side of things
but colubrids like northern brown tree snake might look cool but i very dangerous. they are mildly poisonous and many of them bites and if they do, you are in some trouble. also all colubrids make a foul odour from their anal gland whenever you hold them or play with them (fart)

pythons i reckon are muich better than elapids and colubrids put together

I've been hit 4 times now by my adult brown tree girls, and it's not much to worry about. Redness, localised itching and a bit of a headache is the worst I've had. I've had much nastier stings from tropical wasps/hornets.

Also I don't think "all" colubrids let off foul odours, common tree snakes certainly do, but I've never ever smelled anything strange from a brown tree snake :)
I've been hit 4 times now by my adult brown tree girls, and it's not much to worry about. Redness, localised itching and a bit of a headache is the worst I've had. I've had much nastier stings from tropical wasps/hornets.

Also I don't think "all" colubrids let off foul odours, common tree snakes certainly do, but I've never ever smelled anything strange from a brown tree snake :)
megrim, your right that northern brown tree snakes dont make an odour but slaty grey snakes and tree snakes do all the time.

but when you get a bite you get headaches and itches which i wouldn't l;ike but thats your opinion

id rather pythons
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