Qld rangers find decapitated croc

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QUEENSLAND'S Environment Minister Andrew Powell has warned people to not take revenge on crocodiles after a 2.5-metre beast was found dead and headless.
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Published On: 25-Sep-12 06:35 AM
Source: via NEWS.com.au

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A croc took a dog in the same area last Thursday, which is probably what prompted this horrible attack on this croc. DERM could do worse than question the people who offered the more extreme comments on the Cairns Post site: Croc attacks dog at popular Kewarra Beach- Local Cairns News | cairns.com.au.

For myself, I feel bad for the owner of the dog, but crocs are gonna do what crocs are gonna do. They're ambush hunters and they like easy prey. What could be easier than a dog by the water? Cairns is in croc country; the water needs to be respected as croc habitat. Yes, there should be provisions for dealing with problem crocs, but humans need to show some common sense. I am particularly concerned about a comment in the Cairns Post article: "We always see little kids swimming there." That just shouldn't be happening. The likelihood is that if a kid ever does get snatched by a croc, it will be in a situation like this.
Now people can bring their kids and dogs to the area for a safe swim.
Until the next croc moves in..........
That's another problem with culling crocs - people seem to think the water is suddenly safe. I understand that two more crocs of 2 metres or more have been sighted in that area.
I understood crocs to be pretty territorial and speaking to some of the Rangers up here, in certain cases they might monitor a crocs activity rather than move it on just in case something bigger or more of them arrive to take up the vacant spot..
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