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hay ozzie

Thanks for shedding some light on the elapid inspection process, i was also clouded at what it would be like.
Womas are restricted as green tree pythons are allowed the maximum of two of these species or either one of each ..if you intend to breed womas or gtps then you need to apply for your restricted permit or if wanting more then two ..and then you will jump through some hoops as the EPA are really buckling down now and getting a permit is going to be alot harder ,which to me is a good thing..

Hey redbelly what kind of requirements does restricted license ask for to get to breed womas in Qld? How hard is it to get?
i did the same with my license. thought it would be like getting your blue card or gold card in depth police checks.
but no even a dick would be able to get one here in qld
You can keep unlimited numbers of everything other then restricted animals and elaipids (so you can keep brown tree snakes, etc). Not sure on the monitor side of things. The only restricted animals are womas and green tree pythons, and you can only keep a maximum of two restricted animals (not two womas and two gtps).
Not aware of anything else. I called the EPA to find out exactly what snakes (only snakes) I could own, and that's what they told me.
You can keep unlimited numbers of everything other then restricted animals and elaipids (so you can keep brown tree snakes, etc). Not sure on the monitor side of things. The only restricted animals are womas and green tree pythons, and you can only keep a maximum of two restricted animals (not two womas and two gtps).

Can someone please comment on what is involved getting licensed for breeding womas in Qld.
Ring the EPA and upgrade your licence, You just have to give them more $$$ and that allows you to keep as many restricted animals as you like
it is not as simple as just ringing up and paying more, you will be asked to provide references. If you have a long history of keeping snakes and have had womas for a reasonable amount of time you may get off needing the references, the epa are making it harder to upgrade licences.
Its good that they are making the licences harder to upgrade, but it seems strange that they allow you to keep 2 but then say if you want more you have to provide references. If they were serious about the animals welfare you would have to prove yourself capable to look after them before you were allowed any, just like keeping Vens. Just seems a little backward in their approach
Its good that they are making the licences harder to upgrade, but it seems strange that they allow you to keep 2 but then say if you want more you have to provide references. If they were serious about the animals welfare you would have to prove yourself capable to look after them before you were allowed any, just like keeping Vens. Just seems a little backward in their approach

Indeed. It makes zero sense.

Further, some people from the EPA will try and tell you that womas are difficult to care for. Anyone who's kept them knows that's not true.

If womas are so difficult, perhaps Antaresia should be restricted too... they can be nightmares to get feeding.
agree with both of you, i can understand gtp being restricted, but womas? i know it is to do with the fact the wild populations in qld isn't huge. how many are actually keeping qld womas?
Are woma's and gtp's still restricted? I can not find anywhere on the website or PDF's that list them as a restricted species. It only lists GTP's that are international and not of native australian origin. (and of course elapids etc...) all other reptiles are recreational....
basically the Parks bloke told me was that if it made a catagory then you couldnt have it... if it had nothing next to its name on the species status list it was fine to keep... now where i was spose to find that staus list buggers me i looked for weeks...
What about the other "Endangered or Rare species" within QLD?
Are woma's and gtp's still restricted? I can not find anywhere on the website or PDF's that list them as a restricted species. It only lists GTP's that are international and not of native australian origin. (and of course elapids etc...) all other reptiles are recreational....
As far as I know they still are
a restricted animal in qld is based on the wild population.from what i been told.and the only two species of python i know of is GTP and woma
Thanks for the link to the table, looks like the Woma has changed from 'rare' to 'near threatened'
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