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Oct 19, 2008
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could someone please help i have a beautiful 2yr old jungle who has never had a problem shedding before.. thou his last 2 sheds have been messy... how can i help him shed properly again and what do i do with the old skin that is all over him ??
the humidity could have dropped. give him a bath to soften up the skin left on him, might work. and try misting him when he goes into shed. just some things i've heard people try.

To get the old skin off, soak him in some warm water for about 20 - 30mins. After this time you should be able to peel the skin off - it will slip off quite easy. Don't leave retained shed on him as it will dry and stick back down to his good skin. Multiple layers of old skins can cause skin concerns such as scale rot.

To help him next time round, when you see the signs of a shed - say when his eyes go blue - mist him every day with warmish water - not cold, he won't like it - until he sheds. This will help increase humidity and keep things moist to help him slip out of it.

Normally, jungles shouldn't require extra humidity but if you browsed some older threads you will see there has been plenty of talk about bad shedding this year. Many ppl have experienced it particularly because we've had such a dry winter (between the floods). So misting him daily during his shedding time won't hurt him. It will help him along.
is there another way other then soaking him as i have found that he gets extremely stressed when placed in water... thank you for the misting tip will deff give that a go ..
You can put him in a click clack with a damp bag or tea towel for short periods and let him have a go at rubbing it off on his own.
Most snakes will stress when they first hit the water but if you just pop hi in and close the lid, he should settle when he realises he can sit in it and not gonna drown or get hurt. If the tub is kinda see-through, cover it over with a tea towel to give him a bit more security.

You only need to soak him to get the retained skin off him. Or, as Cheyne says, try the damp bag trick but keep an eye it that it don't get too cold. But next time round if you mist him everyday he most likely shouldn't have the same problem.
You can also get a damp cloth and let the snake crawl through it,so her-she rubs against the cloth.Next time what i find that works good when any of my snakes are coming up to shed is to place the water bowl closer to the heat source,ive never had any problems with shedding so far..MARK
wat do you guys think are the best thermastats ??

I have tried a few different ones (cheapies) and found most were rubbish...for lights the Habistat dimming, for ceramic globes or heat mats etc the Habistat pulse proportional.

The herp shop seems to have the best price/range and are good to deal with.
thank you everyone for your help just soaked my boy and the skin vame straight off... he seems happy to have it off...
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