I know with kids I have used a big blob of vaseline or dabbed on some Rid. This smothers them, then its just a matter of pulling it off with tweezers. Don't know if this would work on a Beardie, but I don't know why it wouldn't
Have tried butter & making it 'dizzy', which is what I did with the dogs, but not working. Will try yours babba - thanks.
Any other ideas out there? Is metho maybe a goer?
not really, and it won't effect the lizard anyway... I have pulled heaps of ticks off myself and just do it with my fingers if I can, I once scratched one out of my head that got a bit sore for a week or so after but all was good in the end... Native animals handle ticks way better than we or our pets do. The real way of doing it is by either pulling the tick off with tweezers or sliding a butter knife under the tick and pushing it back with your thumb, being carful not to squeeze the abdomen.
also thanks Babba again!
Wanted to also ask how long a tic can survive with no blood - eg, on a piece of wood. Or do they travel on live wild insects in order to survive?