reptile expo at the easter show, pic heavy

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no worries. i am pretty new to all of this but i am keen to learn and get as involved as i can. i guess at the end of the day anthony stimson was organising it and can help out furthur with any queries?

did he discover the stimson python ? :D
I was lucky enough to go to the show. The set up was really good and it was funny to hear some of the comments from the "non snake owners" like "I can't believe that's a real live snake!". Many seemed totally enthralled watching the snakes move around. Seemed very popular, something different for most people to see.

There is a criterior, not sure the details. There were 3 judges, 2 guys, 1 lady, John Weigal was definitely one. They were not going "Oooooooo pretty". They were looking at things like condition, colouration, patterning etc.
The CEO of the RAS was sufficiently impressed as to giving it more days.


If I got a dollar for each time someone asked about my little dragon harness, I would be a grand richer.:)
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anyone happen to know the owner of the albino which is for sale in the first pic?
To Smithers, they have a separate category for morphs but at the moment they could only fit 70+ cages which includes pythons (around 40 cages), skinks, dragons, monitors etc. Because they only had 1 day, as a test case for the reptiles, entries were limited. So this meant that categories were lumped together. They could only have about 4 or 5 beardies, 2 boyds, 2 water dragons and a frilly, so that meant an open dragon category. With more days, they can have a snake day and a lizard day, allowing them greater numbers of entries and therefore more detailed categories and judging. The RAS want to give the reptiles more days at the show so hopefully this will be the case.
To Smithers, they have a separate category for morphs but at the moment they could only fit 70+ cages which includes pythons (around 40 cages), skinks, dragons, monitors etc. Because they only had 1 day, as a test case for the reptiles, entries were limited. So this meant that categories were lumped together. They could only have about 4 or 5 beardies, 2 boyds, 2 water dragons and a frilly, so that meant an open dragon category. With more days, they can have a snake day and a lizard day, allowing them greater numbers of entries and therefore more detailed categories and judging. The RAS want to give the reptiles more days at the show so hopefully this will be the case.
so that is why you didn't have a ribbon on your enclosure! so much for being guaranteed second place! :p
Yeah, and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for those meddling kids.:) (Scooby Dooby Doo)
did you also find out how much it is selling for?

calling them on Weds... Because I know the person, I know the money that they will want for them... so I'm not really going to take my cash out just yet. =) I would be suprised if it is under double market value..... real suprised. ;)
To Smithers, they have a separate category for morphs but at the moment they could only fit 70+ cages which includes pythons (around 40 cages), skinks, dragons, monitors etc. Because they only had 1 day, as a test case for the reptiles, entries were limited. So this meant that categories were lumped together. They could only have about 4 or 5 beardies, 2 boyds, 2 water dragons and a frilly, so that meant an open dragon category. With more days, they can have a snake day and a lizard day, allowing them greater numbers of entries and therefore more detailed categories and judging. The RAS want to give the reptiles more days at the show so hopefully this will be the case.

Thanx for that Fugawi,...I dropped John Weigel an email asking a little more info on the judging etc and he was kind enough to reply quickly with this to explain briefly a little how it works. I asked John if I could use his email and he agreed it to be ok as long as I kept it in the context it is intended.

Hi Brett,
> There were four judges for the event, all being volunteers for the day, none
> of us being associated with the organisers of the display. The four of us
> held a preliminary discussion to establish a set of criteria that might best
> suit such a wide range of reptiles and frogs spread for the most part very
> thinly (e.g. often only one entrant for an entire genus).
> Grossly we decided upon a mix of:
> 1 Apparent health, body form and 'radiant' well-being.
> 2 Absense of injuries and defects.
> 3 Pleasing colour and colour pattern, either wild-type or resulting from
> selected-breeding.
> 4 Rarity of the species/subspecies/morph.
> As I'm sure you can appreciate, any such judging across such a wide range of
> animal types must necessarily become largely subjective by comparison to the
> judging of, say, borderline collies or Shetland ponies. This is early days
> for the expo, so I'm certain that any constructive suggestions you may have
> would be greatly appreciated by the organisers. As I said, I'm not
> associated with the display/expo, so you'll need to contact the organisers
> if you want to make helpful suggestions or otherwise.
> I hope above summary helps - it summarises all aspects of the matter that I
> think will be helpful in answering your questions, or any other questions
> concerning the matter.
> Sincerely,
> John Weigel
i was volunteering, anybody notice me?

now waiting for next years one, i think it was good to have something different...
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