Reptiles in NSW Pet Shops.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2003
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Usually on the lounge watching the TV.
For those of you that don't subscribe to australianherps list here is what Jeff Hardy has to say about Pet shops selling Reptiles in NSW.

By August 2003 it is expected that NSW will be the only Australian
Sate/territory to not permit some degree of reptile trade through pet
shops. The issue had been referred to the NSW Native Animal Keepers
Consultative Committee for the earliest possible advice to the
Director-General and Minister for the Environment. The issue was
raised at NAKCC on 9 April and reps will table their submissions and
recommendations at the NAKCC meeting on 5 June. I appreciate that the
issue will be discussed at AHS on Friday 23 May and instructions will
undoubtedly to given to their NAKCC rep (Glen Shea). The other
reptile rep, Gerry Swan, I presume, has or will discuss the issue
with the RKA and HHS whom he represents on NAKCC.

There are a few issues that need to be considered in this debate.
Whether it occurs this year, next year or ten years down the track,
it must be appreciated that NSW cannot remain an "island" forever, so
pet shop trade in at least some reptile species is, in my opinion,

The role of the NAKCC (that has representation from reptile, frog,
and bird groups, pet industry, animal welfare and conservation
interests) is not to determine policy, but to provide advice. The
advice that it ultimately provides, whether or not it actually
recommends that pet shop trade be legalised in this State, must be
balanced and complete. NAKCC needs to ensure that if the government
(the current ban is government policy, not an NPWS restriction)
decides to allow pet-shop trade that it is via a system that will be
efficient, effective and enforceable. Any commercial trade system
must work to meet the interests, needs and expectations of the
general public, animal keepers, the pet industry, animal welfare and
conservation. Would it be a virtual free-for-all as seems to be the
case in some other jurisdictions? Or would it be through a limited
number of licensed traders with access to a limited number
of "common", easily kept and bred species? The Minister's office
expects the NAKCC to provide him with its advice immediately
following the June 5 meeting.

I would be pleased to receive comment from individuals if you want to
post here or send messages direct to me at NPWS. All comments/
suggestions will be provided to NAKCC members.

Jeff Hardy
Coordinator Wildlife Licensing
[email protected]
Jeff Hardy also gave the same speech at this months HHS meeting. He went on to talk about how toy fisheries? used to sell baby crocs from their pet shop many years ago and how they had been released into manly park? Not 100% certain of the names and places but it was along those lines anyway. Knowing that pet shop trade in reptiles is inevitable the discussion then turned to rules and regulations regarding the trade from petshops,such as a cooling period (much like buying a new car etc).
I think everyone should attend the AHS meet if able to as its a topic that is close to home for all and sundry involved in the hobby.
After going to Melbourne for work, and visiting some pet shops to see the reptiles, I do not think that selling of reptiles in pet shops is a good idea. There is a potential for it in some shops, but on the whole, most pet shops are out there to make money (standard business practice for every shop!) and the animals inevitably suffer for it. I'm not looking to start a war here as I know there are many pet shops who do put the animals first, but I have seen too many bad things to beleive it is the 'norm'.... There was one case of a pet shop puting elastic bands around birds beaks to stop them from being noisy at night!!! :evil:

The animals (no matter what kind) should always come first!

Perhaps the best idea would be to have specialised stores for the reptiles, with people who actually know and keep herps themselves running/working in it. That way the animals would be looked after properly (like getting UV when needed, UV globes changed, heat at the right temps, etc), and the public would get an understanding on how good herps are as pets when kept properly.

But then again, it's the same for all animals I guess....
I can see prices going up. Obviously the shops are going to get their stock from breeders who will still sell their hatchlings at "normal" prices or more and then the shops will of course mark the price up and no one will be able to afford anything anyway. Unless the breeders drop their prices but then again,why should they?
Well said Dan,
And 1 of the points that Jeff has been trying to make for some time now.
There is petitions etc condemning the whole idea of commercial trade in reptiles but at the end of the day it is bound to happen regardless of how much of a fight we all put up.So compromises are trying to be made for the inevitable.There is talks of like I said a cooling period,where a customer picks hes/her reptile than has so many days to think about the purchase before actually recieving it.There is also talks of specialised hobbyists being trained to work with reptiles and the thought of care sheets going out with every purchase.The biggest fear in this situation is housing.As a business we all realise that many herps will be coming and going from the pet shop,thats the whole idea of making profits and the problem here is overcrowding.How many birds do we see in a tiny cage cramped up together? how many fish in 1 aquarium? (many times we notice a few belly up fish being eaten by a few other house mates). I also feel that purchase prices of herps will change dramatically.Every man and hes dog will own and be able to buy a standard carpet python,while your rarer species like Aspidites will become excessively dear.
Pet Trade in NSW

Hey, John. Don't make statements like that. I have not attended a HHS meeting for over 5 years. I have never spoken about Toy Fisheries and crocodiles and I am not aware of them ever trading them.
Sorry the last post I meant Jeff Banks treasurer of HHS.
My mistake.
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