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Apr 27, 2011
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Hey guys,

I'm currently developing an app for iphones/ipods etc about reptiles, and without giving away too much, we are trying to make it as extensive as possible, with locational features etc (to apply the same features for overseas users)
I thought I would put a post up here to see what you guys would like to see/gain from an app.


Complete field guide for all species across the whole world, with lots of pictures of all the different colour varieties and GPS capabilities so when you find something you can look through only the species in that area you know.
Hey guys,

I'm currently developing an app for iphones/ipods etc about reptiles, and without giving away too much, we are trying to make it as extensive as possible, with locational features etc (to apply the same features for overseas users)
I thought I would put a post up here to see what you guys would like to see/gain from an app.



Mitch, how can we give you any kind of constructive information without you giving us a bit more information than 'about reptiles'?
I know of a few apps for reptiles that totally forgets the species in WA eg: Morelia spilota imbricata etc... Would be nice to get a proper covering of at least our whole countries reptiles if possible.
there is quiet a few reptile apps and the are disappointing to me.
i would like to see actual facts about the reptile instead of some little kiddy crap like they are venomous :eek: and have fangs
plus what grimbeny said i agree fully
Also what about care info for species you keep? Would save having an excel spreadsheet or a piece of paper to record info about them
I like saximus' idea, an app to keep all the feeding records etc would be good. Something to make the records a bit more fun and where you could set feed reminders lol. I stagger the feeding of my snakes so there's always one I can handle while the others are digesting, gets a bit confusing sometimes lol.
These are all great ideas, some of which are already included and some which will definitely be added. It will be some time before this app hits the store for the reason above that there are so many crappy ones, we want this one to actually be useful. And sorry about the lack of information but I am not looking for constructive criticism, just wanted to see what you guys WOULD find useful in an app.
I will keep you updated, and keep the ideas coming
Please just make the thing user the iphone apps work on the tablets,cos i want one of them.
I think probably the best thing (for Australian users) would be features where you can quickly identify a species yo have just seen (by the locational features you mentioned) and contact number for emergency snake bites and numbers of relocaters for certain areas...
I think probably the best thing (for Australian users) would be features where you can quickly identify a species yo have just seen (by the locational features you mentioned) and contact number for emergency snake bites and numbers of relocaters for certain areas...

That's what I thought, doesn't sound like this is about husbandry is much, but Mitch you may need to give away more than that.
These are all great ideas, some of which are already included and some which will definitely be added. It will be some time before this app hits the store for the reason above that there are so many crappy ones, we want this one to actually be useful. And sorry about the lack of information but I am not looking for constructive criticism, just wanted to see what you guys WOULD find useful in an app.
I will keep you updated, and keep the ideas coming
Can you tell us what type of application you intend it for? Fieldguide, Caresheets for Captivity, Record Keeping, Photo Gallery ect.? They are all very different.
Why would it not be about husbandry as well? How many people would need/want the field guide features over the husbandry ones?
Why would it not be about husbandry as well? How many people would need/want the field guide features over the husbandry ones?
Husbandry would be listed under where i said "ect." I probably should have worded it better, what i was wanting to know is whether the app is intended for reptile keepers or people just wanting general info about reptiles in the field.
Sorry Chris I wasn't referring to your comment, my question was meant for Cam. We must have submitted at the same time

I think a combination of these things, although making it a lot more work, would probably make it a very useful app
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OK, again all great feedback.
You are correct, I mean the idea of it is to be an 'all-in-one' app which is why it will take some time. But the goal is for it to be a keeper/hobbyist guide, so record keeping, husbandry, breeding details, nativity, etc etc. General photo gallery with the possibility of a user uploaded one. Contacts for different fields or herping etc. As I said it's a work in progress so the intention would be for it to be a free release but it would then possibly need sponsors to pay for server space or something rather than having to connect to 3g and use alot of data usage on mobile plans etc. There is still alot of work to be done and there will be as much information there as possible. Hopefully there should be no need to get any other app :) But I will keep you guys posted

Thanks again

Also, regarding android, while I doubt I will see any light there we will be looking to post it to android users as well, depending on how easy the conversion is
will it be compatible for ipod touches?? and will there be a free version
What about a really good FAQ section with answer to all the questions people want to know and a what to name your snake section and a what reptile to buy next like a wish list for everyone and also a guide for who is selling what and what is the next craze.
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