Hi All, I missed a few replies here sorry.
Loonytoon - the probing cost me $10 each for my other two snakes to be done while he was seeing Paschar (The Bredli.) The whole trip cost $78 which I was quite happy with. I went to 'The Vet Lounge' in upper coomera and saw Michael, (if you research him he does seem to have a lot of expierance with reptiles, also the vet nurse breeds snakes and is full of information and advice. they were very helpful.)
to everyone else.... she is ALOT more active and clearly improving however she is still not eating. I brained a pinky (as suggested) and waved it infront of her face and she just turns her head away, doesnt even flick her tongue out. It sounds stupid but her body launguage reminded me an awful lot of my dogs when I tell him off! her head was up and she was sniffing about and then I offered the food and her head dropped flat to the ground and she turned away. Is it possible she has been so traumatised during feeding and sees it as something awful? I know from what he (previous owner) was telling me I was cringing about how he used to feed her. he said he would chop the pinky up open her mouth and shove it in! (this from someone who didnt even know how important it as to keep her on heat!) Im REALLY not keen on force feeding her at all. would love to hear some suggestions on how to tempt problem feeders to eat!
side note... she is THE sweetest girl in the world, I adore her. its fabulous to see her gaining strength and moving around more. I have left her this long to offer food in the hope that her body would be ready for it but I am also wondering if she would have gone into some sort of hibernation while she was on no heat and maybe just isnt ready to be fed again yet? unsure of how that works?