Hi, my Mertens has retained shed on the last 3 quarters of it's tail, i have been spraying it with the shedding sprays, and tried to gently rub it off. Is there anything else i can do? Is there something i can use to rub the skin off?
You can try a little multi-clens in a warm water bath if yr having trouble. You shpuld be able to get it at the vet. It helps allow the water to soak in to the skin more quickly.
If I have a really tough one, I use MC and it works great, makes it alot easier..
(MC is used for soaking birdseed, and is also used daily in their drinking water to stop the growth of algae in their waterbowls - so dont spin out when you see the label if you do get some)
it;s tail has retained shed for multiple sheddings and has started turning brown, i soaked him in warm water for 10 minutes and then tried rubbing it off and it still didn't work then got a soft toothbrush and started having some results but didn't get much off. just going to have to do it everyday untill i can hopefully get it all off.