My 3yr old female spotted python has a RI. Her first visit to the vet was last Tuesday where the vet had said I had caught it early, gave her a fortum injection then I had to bring her back three days later for another injection and to see if it was better. On the second visit (last Friday) her mouth was more red and the vet gave her another fortum injection plus Baytril. So it's now been 5 days later with a Baytril injection every day and fortum every second day and things seem worse. Previously the only signs were her puffing her throat but now when her mouth is opened it is a browny colour, mucousy and her forks are stuck together every now and then. I don't want to go back to the vet for her just to say to continue with treatment as the vet is over an hour away. In your opinion should I just continue with the treatment or does it sound like I need to go back for another check up.