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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2007
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hi guys...
i was flicking thro a reptile book 2day to pass some time and come across a picture of a rock ashamed to admit that i know nothing about them....infact that was the 1st pic ive even every saw. I take it as ive never seen them for sale that they arnt allowed to be kept?

Also...ive never seen pygmy pythons for sale...once again i take it they are rare?

Any info for a curious mind would be helpful...and yes i know google is my friend:lol:
The Pygmy python is around but not so common. And if you find one your unlikely to get the owner to sell it. I know ive been trying to buy one for ages, i think i have only seen one for sale in the last few years, dont quote me on that though i dont sit on the for sale forums all
And i think the rock python is from the amazon or africa? Dont quote me on that either maybe someone else with more knowledge can confirm this.
i think those pygmy pythons go for about 5k i think
How old is the book? Scrub Pythons have been named "Rock" Pythons in a few old books. The only other snake i can think of is the African Rock Python.
Last pigmy i seen advertised was 2k so i don't know! but anyways just thought i'd put it in there, also the only one i've ever seen advertised! Bit odd concidering one of those snakes is HUGE and the other tiny!
The last pygmy pythons I saw for sale were $1500ea and were sold almost imediatly and that was around 6 months ago
Thanks is a new book....and is about aussie snakes only so it must have been a scrub python....even thou it was greyish in colout...
and wow...didnt think pygmy pythons would go for that much! wish there was a breeding program for them to get there numbers up.
Didn't Snake Ranch recently by a pair of Pygmys for about $3500?

The rock pythons(not to be confused with the rock lobster) you will often find at the entertainment centre or utopia in the city and with a Ipod full of metal, grunge etc. LOL :)
As Mr Bredli said, You are talking about an Oenpelli Rock Python.

They are a large greyish coloured python that is not kept in captivity legally except in a select few wildlife parks.

Pygmy pythons retail for $1500 each. There have been around 10 pair for sale in the last 12 months, all at this price.

There are less than a 10 held on license in nsw.
The Pygmy python is around but not so common. And if you find one your unlikely to get the owner to sell it. I know ive been trying to buy one for ages, i think i have only seen one for sale in the last few years, dont quote me on that though i dont sit on the for sale forums all
And i think the rock python is from the amazon or africa? Dont quote me on that either maybe someone else with more knowledge can confirm this.

nope you get an oepenelli rock python in northern austrlia as well. i also only recently heard of them...
Sometimes Olives are referred to as rock pythons too... Pygmies are around, but many are held as Stimson's because it is illegal to collect pygmies in WA, or they are not on licence at all, for the same reason. They are also not allowed to be kept in WA (where they come from) and Vic.
if you really want them you need to have the money on hand when they become available, and be quick off the mark...

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