rough scale python

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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2009
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sydney, st george
have heard alot of people comment that roughies are very 'cool' and interesting to keep. Love the story behind them as well as their looks esp. the head and eyes and the colour change thing. My main question is what makes hem so interesting to keep(aside from above) compared to any of the other morelia species?

cheers, grant
Another Morelia I am keen to add to my collection. I fell in love with them since I saw them on Snake Ranch's website. Their colour and markings are quite lovely. The picture on SRs website is very stunning but I am yet to see one that red. Still, I love them and was very disheartened at their price ($10,000 pair) but that was a couple years ago. Now they aren't too far out of my price range. Can't wait to add one to my collection.

I guess the hype about these guys is how rare they are to find in the wild yet they seem to thrive so well in captivity, breeding well like any other python. Either their numbers are declining or they just aren't seen in their natural habitat. They only occupy a very small area and for some reason they haven't spread. Be certainly interesting to do some research on these pythons to find out. I did read somewhere on the net, couple years ago and can't remember where now, that there is a connection between them and the GTP. There is a huge gap between their locality, so where is the missing link?
yes looking at current prices i was plesantly surprised, seem very reasonable. I am getting tempted, love the head on them. all thats left is to upgrade permit...
they dun do much for me, id take a gtp anyday over one of them
I was like you Gusbus... I just thought meh looks kinda like a bredli but I saw one in the flesh and fell in love and now that i have my little girl that I got from snake ranch I couldn't recommend them enough!!! she is the best!!! GTP's are in a league of their own though ... But on the other hand for the price snake ranch has roughies for this season I'm in contemplating getting another !!! And why wouldn't you ....
we had some at the ARP, not really all that good in my oppinion. i guess its like people and there walkinshaw VL's.... look like **** but pretty rare.. so people love them!
I get to snakesit a pair for a friend now and then. Watching them grow from baby hatchlings, its amazing how quickly they grow. Knowing the size of their teeth I find myself a little on edge when I have to pick them up but they are quiet. Have never attempted to bite. They feel funny and have gorgeous blue eyes. But I still am yet to see that colour change that I have heard about. I thought I'd have a collection with at least one Morelia of every species. I am not in a hurry to achieve it overnight, I am not so sure about the scrub python but I am definitely gonna have one of these guys. So far I have I have 4 Morelia species, still plenty more to add, no room for now though... hahaha
Stick them in a dark pillowcase for an 1hr then when you pull it out you will know what the colour change is. they go from brown and white to ghostly grey.
I have had a pr for the last 2 or so years , they are really nice snakes.... hard to say why , but up there with the best of them I think and I keep most ozzy pythons!
have heard alot of people comment that roughies are very 'cool' and interesting to keep. Love the story behind them as well as their looks esp. the head and eyes and the colour change thing. My main question is what makes hem so interesting to keep(aside from above) compared to any of the other morelia species?

cheers, grant

Could you please provide link of the "story" I have never researched Roughies and am interested in them.
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