Rough-scaled python temperament

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I did too Tobe. It's one of the fundamental things when handling venomous snakes, particularly when extracting venom on regular basis.
Also oh... don't look too closely into a bag containing a snake either...


Oh you are so clever Jamie! Looking up old threads to get the dirt LOL.

Yep. I bought the RSP one cool morning and opened the pillow case in the car to have a look and got a nice bite to the face. The world didn't end.

Believe it or not Jamie I don't need you and your infinite wisdom, to tell me that it was my fault that I got bitten and I could have avoided it completely if I thought about it first. But I didn't. I am still alive, the snake is still alive, and I learnt my lesson.

You saying that I am silly for letting it happen? Sure, I'll take that. Saying I'm silly for posting it here? Pfft that is ridiculous. Perhaps I have saved some other poor sod from sticking their face in a pillow case on a cool morning with a cranky RSP. Or perhaps I just gave a few people a laugh. Either way I am not embarrassed by my mistake nor do I feel like I should keep the photo locked up never to see the light of day.

There is no doubt that you are a very knowledgable character Jamie, but a little grace and humility would go a long way.
Jamie, you out of hibernation again mate? Have a big weekend on the red? I loved the photo, people can learn from it. They have bloody long curved teeth as you know and it shows people that if they do in fact bite, don't let it be your face!! I think the biggest culprit for bringing roughies a bad name was definitely the snakebytes TV episode. That snake had been transported and been in a perspex box all day being gawked at. I'd of bitten the first thing that touched me to.

I have 20 of them at home at the moment and i don't even bat an eyelid when dealing any of them. I'd go as far as to say they would be the best first snake if they werent class 2 and for the sometimes odd feeding preferences.

Also Ingie's image wasn't nearly as bad as the facial mauling i saw in the news today :shock:
... nor do I feel like I should keep the photo locked up never to see the light of day.

Probably a good thing you don't feel that way because it's well and truly all over the forum now!
On a serious note though, as long as you learned from your mistake I don't see an issue with having made it. Everyone on here has made mistakes and ended up getting bitten or embarrassing themselves in one way or another, but you just won't find them posting about it.
Also, how often does being hit on on the forum actually work? Seems to happen to you a lot ingie, you flirt!
I have posted this before but this is me after I laid eyes on an adult female RSP for the first time LOL.


Hahaha I love this happy :)
You bagging out someone because they put a photo up on a internet site just proves you need a different hobbie to keep you occupied. I enjoyed looking at the photo and I'm glad you uploaded it :)
You bagging out someone because they put a photo up on a internet site just proves you need a different hobbie to keep you occupied. I enjoyed looking at the photo and I'm glad you uploaded it :)

deanzy, if you enjoy bloody faces, there is a site called "rotten", google it. You may find it fascinating. :D
OK, OK... you all win... I'm a cranky old sod with no sense of humour :(! I LOVE the photo now - although I didn't search for it on other threads, had never seen it before... someone told me how it happened...

Now gird, it was early yesterday afternoon when I went off the rails - far too early for me to be affected by red wine. I only drink before 5 at funerals. Well, not at the actual funeral, but the wake afterwards... so it was probably a result of my rapidly ageing brain...

I'll try and be nice today :):):):):):)...

I'm having a glass of red on your behalf tonight Jamie ;)
And Ing's, just for good measure...
I am glad you love my photo now Jamie :p you should see what one of my monitors did to my hand today!!!! Jokes ;)

Thanks for the happy posts people :)

Shoo I am going to have a glass of red for you tonight also, and one for Jamie :p Sounds like fun!

On the topic of rough scaled pythons, I have two gorgeous little hatchlings here and they are very skittish. I don't handle them apart from cleaning time so I haven't given them much of a chance to get used to handling. They just go in a straight line and dart everywhere :p
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my little rsp that i got of swampie is a darling so far. very curious and no signs of grumpy pants syndrome.
I was only bitten when one of mine missed the rat I was holding. Other then that I would almost go as far to say that they don't bite....but I did have one moment when the only reason my photos not up there next to Ingies is because my male ran out of length by 1 inch. I must admit though, the length of the adult teeth does make getting bitten in a food response an exciting time!!
For you folks who have had the pleasure of being christened by an RSP, how do you think the bite compares to one from another snake of a similar size? Do those long teeth make it worse?
My bite was over before I realised it had happened. It didn't hurt at all, just felt like a little tap. However, there was a lot of blood compared to other bites I have had, not sure if that was just because it was on my face. After the photo was taken the blood kept coming and it was dripping off my nose and chin for several minutes. I had nothing to wipe it off with apart from my hand LOL.

I don't think an RSP bite would be anything to be more worried than usual about, unless yours decided to hang on!
The bleeding is interesting. I was once bitten on the back of the neck (time for true confessions :)) by a 4m scrubby (yes... I wasn't paying attention when changing water tubs...) and it bled for about 20 minutes. The puncture wounds, as opposed to tears in the flesh, left by even large pythons are relatively small, so you would expect quick coagulation, but these things can bleed far in excess of what you would expect. Often accompanied by significant subcutaneous bleeding (bruising) around the site as well.

Does anyone know whether there is an anti-coagulant compnent in a python's saliva?

I had a glass or two of a nice red last night as well...

Of pythons, large scrubbies are the worst, roughies don'y compare. It's the bite force a scrubby can generate that makes it more severe. A large coastal, bredli or diamond is far worse than a roughy any day.

The bleeding is interesting. I was once bitten on the back of the neck (time for true confessions :)) by a 4m scrubby (yes... I wasn't paying attention when changing water tubs...) and it bled for about 20 minutes. The puncture wounds, as opposed to tears in the flesh, left by even large pythons are relatively small, so you would expect quick coagulation, but these things can bleed far in excess of what you would expect. Often accompanied by significant subcutaneous bleeding (bruising) around the site as well.

Does anyone know whether there is an anti-coagulant compnent in a python's saliva?

I had a glass or two of a nice red last night as well...


Being bitten on the neck demonstrates poor judgement on your part.....:)

But moving on I have wondered about the anti-coagulant properties as well. I had several wild coastal bites (from the same snake) that bled a ridiculous amount. And as you said above once the bleeding stops you could barely see the wound the puncture marks were so small.
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