Roughie & BTS

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2008
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Snapped a few quick pics this arvo of my male Roughie and Brown Tree Snake whilst cleaning up the messes they had made.

Thanks guys, they both definatly hold special places in my collection :)
I have 4 and they all eat great? use small feeds, like fuzzy / weaner mice as they don't like large rodents. I put in 4 at each feed and they usually eat them all, feed only at night and don't try to feed from tongs, also make sure they hide in heated areas during the day.
Thanks Jason.
He ate fine for months after I got him then decided he didn't want to eat anything anymore unless I put it in his mouth...he will then swallow it straight down if I do that. Occassionally he will eat if I put the food items in there with him but its very rare. I have the most luck with pink rats, he tends to reject mice pretty often.
yummy I love bts. I really need a Night Tiger. Then again I need everything else.
What great pictures Matt,is that the only concern with the BTS regarding feeding...Just remember in the wild hatchie BTS would be eating small lizards,frogs etc and a friend has keeped BTS-GTS and he told me the hatchies would take a little while to get feeding,but once they do,the usually keep going...Awesome snakes anyway...
Damn....that's two more species that I'm gonna have to put on my list to get....great shots Matt.
What great pictures Matt,is that the only concern with the BTS regarding feeding...Just remember in the wild hatchie BTS would be eating small lizards,frogs etc and a friend has keeped BTS-GTS and he told me the hatchies would take a little while to get feeding,but once they do,the usually keep going...Awesome snakes anyway...

Thanks Mark, I got it feeding on rodents really well when I first got it but then he just went off them, he usually smashes the wings off of day old chickens but rarely takes rodents scented with the chickens. In the wild BTS are more bird feeders as opposed to lizard and fog eaters...GTS are much more difficult as their diet is frog and fish based.
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