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Have these been trialled with large Monitor eggs, say Gouldii, Varius for example?
Thanks for the input Greg. Those babies are at 95% humidity and holding their temp perfectly. Almost no condensation on lid. Only on the sides of the container. I did not even bother weighing the vermiculite, I added a low level of water and added vermiculite to suck up the water. So easy to use.
I agree with Rams...way to small to even think of carpet eggs.I have been incubating no substrate method for many years now with a much cheaper larger container with great sucesss.And no need to risk to the eggs by having to sepperate them as well.Just my thoughts... :)
Yes sure, that is exactly what it is. I was also a bit scheptical until i actually held one in my hand. I have bred many pythons in my life and I can with all honesty say this is the best container I have used. If you dont like it then dont buy it. Keep measuring out vermiculite to water ratios, and keep cutting up egg crates if that is what you want to spend your time on. This product is worth every cent the convenience.
Ummmm Actually I am from Squamata Concepts... I am the co-designer and co-producer of the product... And we are only exporting the product to Nicole as she is our sole distributer in Australia...

Any other bright comments you want to add???:rolleyes:
Ummmm Actually I am from Squamata Concepts... I am the co-designer and co-producer of the product... And we are only exporting the product to Nicole as she is our sole distributer...

Any other bright comments you want to add???:rolleyes:

So your saying that you haven't sent at least 10 units of this product to NSW Australia?:rolleyes:
Really off to a good start buddy:lol: oh I notice you haven't mentioned their tendancy to turn from crystal clear to dirty yellow either
So your saying that you haven't sent at least 10 units of this product to NSW Australia?:rolleyes:
Really off to a good start buddy:lol: oh I notice you haven't mentioned their tendancy to turn from crystal clear to dirty yellow either

Ummmm No, the only one who has this product in Australia is Nicole... As I said, she is our sole distributer... No one has gotten any SIMs from us in Australia....

Being that you know so much about our product, why not tell everyone why you THINK you know that the color goes from crystal clear to dirty yellow...:lol: why so on the defensive ??touchy touchy :lol: Who needs to mess with vermiculite ratios in no substrate method??Not me !!and I like the fact I use clean egg crate every time..not resused stuff from previous season.FACT...there are alternatives to your SIM tub what work just as well and are better for large clutches without the cost.Sheesh :rolleyes: chill people im so sorry for having an oppinion NOT:lol:
Then stick with what you know. I dont want to change your mind about how good your technique is. This product is aimed at the newbie that does not know how to mix vermiculite. It gives them as good a chance of hatching reptiles as anybody else. I just put these in the dishwasher after the season and they are ready to go for the next season. If i can save time by using these units then its worth every penny to me.
I think its good to see these sort of products becoming easier for Aussies to pick up & I look forward to checking them out.

As for the no substraight method, I used it for the first time last year with a clutch of Spotted Python eggs and a clutch of Black Headed Python eggs and I had 100% hatch rate after a couple of up and down years with vermiculite. So for people wondering how it goes for BHP's, I highly recommend it.
Then stick with what you know. I dont want to change your mind about how good your technique is. This product is aimed at the newbie that does not know how to mix vermiculite. It gives them as good a chance of hatching reptiles as anybody else. I just put these in the dishwasher after the season and they are ready to go for the next season. If i can save time by using these units then its worth every penny to me.
not having ago at you or anyone over the technique used. but its really not hard to mix vermiculite. i believe if you cant mix it you should probably rethink if you should be breeding. for those that dont know how to mix vermiculite at a 50/50 ration. get yourself a good quality digital scale thats in 1gram incruments that has a zero option. sit you incubation container with the lid off on the scale and zero it, now add the amount of vermiculite that you want, take note of how much the vermiculite now weighs, now zero container with vermiculite, now add the same weight of water as the vermiculite weighed, now mix vermiculite and water till all water is absorbed. that wasnt hard was it? by the way ill be trying the water only method next season. best of luck to all that are breeding this season
I Understand the "If you don`t like it then Don`t buy it" comment and im not having a dig at all but... It does seem a bit expensive, it looks like a $20 product to me but im sure you will sell plenty and im even considering trying one or two.
Why do you add vermiculite into the bottom of it, it kinda defeats the purpose doesn`t it? or am i overlooking something?
Hi Gregg, Its great to have you on board this forum with your excellent product. I have to appoligise about some of us 'aussies' We are no way near advanced in husbandry and breeding techniques like you in the States and some of us 'aussies' dont like change..

Its great to see a product that takes out the work and mathmatic's in incubating eggs..

Quality digital scales cost money...batteries to run them cost money...vermicilite costs money.... your product is a once off purchase and water costs nothing! I can see its an option to use vermiculite in the bottom but its just that an option..

Rome was not built in a day so its great to hear that a bigger version is on its way for the Carpet breeders in Oz..

I look forward to getting the 10 i have ordered with Niccy.

Thank you for bieng herper!
cheers Ben

Hello everyone,
My name is Gregg Madden... I am the co-designer of this product...

I just want to say how nice it is to see all of your comments and how nice it is to see how Nicole is putting the containers to use... The set up looks GREAT guys...

I saw a few folks asking about clumped clutches...

The triangular egg stabilization bars are fully adjustable and removable... So if you are not able or unwilling to separate eggs that are clumped, you can just remove the bars and put the clump directly on the grid...

Gregg Madden
It's not that advanced dottyback.
People have used this method for years, yes even here in Australia.
Some have even used old fishtanks with aquarium heaters as their incubators.
Hi Gregg, Its great to have you on board this forum with your excellent product. I have to appoligise about some of us 'aussies' We are no way near advanced in husbandry and breeding techniques like you in the States and some of us 'aussies' dont like change..

:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Don`t appolagise for anyone else, just yourself. and wipe some of that brown stuff off your nose while your at it!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
I added verm to the water because I can be clumsy when it comes to eggs. I just thought If i was clumsy enough to splash water on the grid then I dont want them to sit in it. I added a little water and topped it up with vermiculite. Once you hold this tub in your hand you will realise that its not a $20 tub. They are solid, I shipped 20 in via airmail and not one broke or cracked. The lid is made from a thick flexible plastic. This stops it from cracking when you put holes in it.

Just added some fresh Bearded dragon eggs to some that has been in this container for 14 days.


It's not that advanced dottyback.
People have used this method for years, yes even here in Australia.
Some have even used old fishtanks with aquarium heaters as their incubators.

On the contrary my dear friend! A fish tank is made to be used as a fish tank and a heater to make that fish tank suitable for keeping tropical fish in a cool climate! The method is old hat but its great to see a product that is made specifically for incubating eggs even down to the moveable grids to keep eggs in place. Ben
I added verm to the water because I can be clumsy when it comes to eggs. I just thought If i was clumsy enough to splash water on the grid then I dont want them to sit in it. I added a little water and topped it up with vermiculite. Once you hold this tub in your hand you will realise that its not a $20 tub. They are solid, I shipped 20 in via airmail and not one broke or cracked. The lid is made from a thick flexible plastic. This stops it from cracking when you put holes in it.
O.K cool i get what you mean with the whole splashing thing, I`ll have to get a couple and have a look for myself when you get the larger ones in.
Hi Gregg, Its great to have you on board this forum with your excellent product. I have to appoligise about some of us 'aussies' We are no way near advanced in husbandry and breeding techniques like you in the States and some of us 'aussies' dont like change..

Its great to see a product that takes out the work and mathmatic's in incubating eggs..

Quality digital scales cost money...batteries to run them cost money...vermicilite costs money.... your product is a once off purchase and water costs nothing! I can see its an option to use vermiculite in the bottom but its just that an option..

Rome was not built in a day so its great to hear that a bigger version is on its way for the Carpet breeders in Oz..

I look forward to getting the 10 i have ordered with Niccy.

Thank you for bieng herper!
cheers Ben
i would of thought anyone thinking of breeding would have a quality scale. i use my scale to weigh my snakes, weigh their feeds, and also weigh vermiculite mix. my scale didnt cost alot, they run off 240v power as well as a lithium battery, that battery is good for 5years so i dont think ill be spending much on batteries. hope im not one of the some aussies that your appoligising for, id rather you didnt think you need to appoligise for other peoples opinions. the states maybe advanced in the way they do some things, but we could question them on why they choose to do what they do with our aussie snakes. ill leave my opinion there so you wont see the need to appoligise for me
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