Sad News - I won AFTCRA Raffle

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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2005
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I guess some people will read this topic and think - Why did he win it?

Unfortunately, this is not a gloat post because I won the raffle. It is in fact a sad post to reflect the total apathy of the herping community when it comes to the conservation of their prescious animals.

I read posts in here from people telling us how bad it is to have exotics because of the damage they can do to our native species.

But then when someone as talented and focussed as Craig Latta gets off his backside and tries to do soemthing about it everyone gives him a pat on the back and then goes back to their beer.

When the post was made about the AFTCRA Rafle lots of peoplke responded that it was a great idea and said they would join. I agreed and sent in my application.


Please please now everyone yell "April Fool" at me and tell me that Craig's sad email was nothing more than a beat up. Tell me I really did win the raffle and lots of people joined up. Bring back my confidence in all you people.
:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Are you serious?? I thought it was being drawn in March??
Hanging my head in shame.......Congrats on the win though.

I am very disappointed in myself i honestly filled in the form i just didnt get around to sending it...

I will probably be the only one to reply to your thread though but so be it..

My appoligies to Craig if i am still able to join point me in the right direction mate.
Yes, Breds it was going to be drawn in March but wehn you only get 1 application in 3 months what can you do. there is no snake. They cant give one away for $40.00 in total fees raised.
Congrats Pete, and great post.
I dont think Craig frequents this site much these days, so anyone wanting info on how to help, see the big flashing banner at the top of your screen, its been there for a couple of months.
I agree with you Pete, pathetic response. :cry:

If Craig has ended the raffle, then I suppose you also got second prize??, so pm me your details and I'll get you that copy of John Canns book.
It's human nature to leave things to the last minute.. i'm sure you would have received many more entries if there had been some warning. After all, who wouldn't pay $40 if it seemed as though you were going to have a 50/50 shot at a het. caramel childreni? I think Craig gave in too early. Just needed a bit more publicity and a definate deadline..
People can commit to joining on this post. We then have proof of who committed come the end of the raffle!!! I kow that some people can;t afford th emoney. Please don't commit if you are in that position. We aren't trying to put people in that position. But I see many "for sales" and "solds" for far greater amounts than $40.
hi peter,
i for one was going to join up, but i was also under the impression that we had until march, i'll commit to joining up , i have more reason then just the raffle, as it was craig that set up me getting a free turtle from an lady that couldn't look after it as it got to big, if the raffles still on, i'll commit,

To be honest i didn't even read the post ro know what it was for, why you ask? Because i have other things in my life that are more important than that kind of thing. I'm sure alot of people do, doesn't mean they don't care.
I also like to do things in my area to help our wildlife, and in the business we run we get the chance to do quite alot.
There could be many reasons why people didn't join, but i don't think anyone should feel bad about not joining it.
I'll commit as long as the raffle goes ahead as planned, i always was commited.
I'll commit, I printed off a form but got no further than that, its still sitting next to the computer, I'm just plain lazy, but that is a very pathetic excuse I know (slinks off feeling guilty). I'm glad you brought it up again Peter, its sad that it got such a poor response on a site full of herpers, I hope that other people are the same as us and just didn't get around to it, it is a good cause (not just good prizes, but that too). I'll try and get off my butt and do it in the next couple days while I'm off work.
MrBredli said:
So what's the go, do we have a raffle or not?

No raffle and we have lost one of the most valuable sources of turtle information available to our site. :cry:
Really? That's not good at all. I really feel he gave up too soon though :(
i like craig, but apart from anything else if you advertise a raffle to finish on a certain date you should at least wait until that day arrives before it's either extended or canceled, but saying that, i hold nothing against him, thats life, but it's a shame he is holding this against the site and everybody here,
but thats just my opinion and i'm entitled to say it,

mmm, i wreckon letting the raffle keep on going would be best, usually get your little rush just before it closes. though now if it was re-opened i would worry that some people would be detered to join due to this. probably not the best move by thats just my opinion.

Its understandable though, he was probably expecting a huge response to it and 10 or so at the last minute aren't really gonna cover the cost of the prizes and leave much else, 1 membership is really quite sad. I've still sent mine off, comp or no comp its still a good cause.
I agree with you Mr.B. If a closing date is publicised then people have that period of time to act. If it closes early then it is the organisers fault in my mind. How can you get annoyed at people for not acting before a publicised deadline when the procedure is closed by the organiser before that deadline? Not good.
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