safety q?

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Active Member
Feb 6, 2003
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I gave my 7mth old carpet python a live hopper to eat last night, and she seems totally disinterested. She has eaten a hopper a week the last 2 weeks. Is it safe to leave the live hopper in there with her till she eats it, or should I take it out? Thanks in advance, Moses
I reckon take it out - you don't want her to get used to living with a mouse. 8)
Hey Moses,
Long time no hear!

I would not leave the hopper in with your snake unless your were observing the whole time... better safe than sorry!
Hello all and thank you for your replies. It is winter here and I have been very busy with all of my college courses and work, but still take a peek at the site when I can. As for parting the water, the damn water is frozen solid, -26 with the wind chill, makes me want to go back home to Barbados.
Could it be the reason that your snake isnt ieating because s/he is due to shed?

And I would take the mouse out if it has not gone already. You don't wnt the snake getting hurt if the mouse decides to get attitude! hehehe
I have had her since sept last year and she only shed once, and she has almost doubled in length since I got her. I only have a heat pad under her terrarium and a big water dish in it, maybe I have a humidity problem? she is very healthy and well adjusted with a great temperment. She curls up around my neck or arm when I do my work on the computer 8) . Oh I wet her down about 3-4 times a week with warm water just to keep her skin moist before I put her back in the ter... should I get a heat lamp? Oh yeah, I do not mist her or the ter, should I? As you can all tell I am still thrilled that I have her :lol:
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