SAHD eggs

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2010
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Hi everyone.

Well one of my SAHD's laid 4 eggs last Friday which was exciting for us. It is her first clutch.

My husband put the eggs in a container on damp vermiculite and we have had it sitting on top of the snake tank where the temperature remains constant, around 24 give or take (our house fluctuates too much otherwise).

A couple of days ago I mopped out a heap of condensation from off the lid, telling my husband I thought it was too wet in there. Today husband noticed the eggs appear to be growing mould. Already!

So is there anything we can do about this?

Thanks, (I hope!) Shelly
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Tinadern powder and lightly dust the eggs it will eradicate mould and keep it away.
I have tried tinea powder without success. You could try just a barely moist layer of shagnum moss on top of the vermiculite. It has natural antifungal agents in it. I would say your mix is too wet though. Keep wiping the mold off with a dry paper towel. Good luck.
thanks guys. found tinaderm at the supermarket easily enough.

the eggs were laid into damp substrate - when we moved them on to the vermiculite we didnt brush off the bits of substrate that stuck to them, and husband thinks this is where the mould started/originated from. We have since brushed that all away, just gave them a light spray of tinaderm and we'll just keep our fingers crossed :)
good luck :) I used it on my bhp eggs last year and they hatched, it stoped it before it could spread to much :) I used a make up brush and lightly brushed the eggs as soon as they went into the egg container this year and so far no mould and its a very wet verm/water mix they are on a tray above it.
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The condensation has nothing to do with the amount of moisture, it is caused by the difference of temperature between the inside and outside of the tub and/or temperature fluctuations.

Those who think that the amount of water in the verm etc cause the condensation need only observe over water incubation techniques which when used correctly have no more/less condensation than a 1:1 mix of vermiculite/perlite.

Personally I have never been able to save a lizard egg once it has gone moldy as the mold more than likely has been caused by the egg/s being dead.

Imo your eggs may have died due to being on top of your snake enclosure which would create really uneven temps (bottom of the tub being warm, top being cold).

If you do not have an incubator then with the next clutch I would find somewhere that has a stable temp with little to no drafts like a cupboard, dont worry about it being too cold as long as it stays above 23ish.
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