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I understand, I hate cats with a passion (excepting my boyfriend's cat, but he is more like a dog anyways) but I have always liked dogs. But snakes are the best. No need to take them for 4 km runs each moring rain or blistering heat (mind you, Bes keeps me fit) and you dont have the feeding bills and clean up of poop on the same scale as dogs.
Get a treadmill no need to walk them then :p
I used to train mine on treadmills and spring poles because I was too lazy to walk them.The ex would occasionally take them for a walk but would always whinge that they were too strong for her.
I beat fysicaly my dog any time. :p I walk about 500 meters and through tenis ball to him, you should hear her breathing. In 10 minutes she is finished and i am still fit.
I am planning to improove my excersize by taking with me tenis racket next time :wink:

I've noticed before that you have a realy nice streak running through you. I don't like thieves or people that waste my time either but I can understand your attitude in not wanting to get the bloke sacked. I applaud you sense of humanity. Maybe your ability to let him walk away will teach him a more valuable lesson.

You can be sure Grahamh that i did scream at him for the wile. I lost my control bit. But he was so shamed and sorry about all this, that i felt sorry for him to.
Wattso, in an ideal world, laws could and would protect us, unfortunatly they are not enforced either due to lack of interest or number of police etc.

Amy, laws themselves protect no-one, they are enforced [hopefully] AFTER the crime! There will never be enough police to actually protect anyone. An ideal world would be one in which everyone could arm themselves legally. nobody will want to break into your home intent on nasty buisness if they can get a bullet in the head! :D even under the best conditions there are too many stupid, or cowardly bleeding heart judges, for the legal system to ever come close to ideal! drastic veiw, lol
p.s. just to avoid not advocating shooting flower theives!
Wattso, in my opinion, laws have to be there before an crime, otherwise when someone does something illegal, it wouldn't really be illegal until someone made a law about it. (If that makes any sense whatsoever!)

What I meant (and agreed I left it way open to interpretation) was that, in an ideal world, people wouldn't do anything against the law, there wouldn't be any need for police, judges, lawyers (there goes my job!) and we could live in peace *starts singing kum bay yah*
Very idealistic I know :lol:

Unfortuantly this isn't an ideal world, far from it. I dont think that being able to have guns in the home is necessarily the answer either. I am a criminal lawyer and the ratio of people who I have asked "If you could have used a gun instead of that knife/syringe/screwdriver in that home invasion/burglary/mugging would you?" the answer is almost always yes. I think what you are forgetting (and by all means correct me if I am wrong) is that not only would you have a gun in which to protect yourself, but so would the so and so who broke into your home. Chances are, (generalising here) he who broke into your home would be more adept at using his gun and also, you may have a straight .38 smith and weson (sorry, reading patricia cornwell) and he might have the same gun, sawnoff with hollow points which explode on impact. The chances of you surviving a shot from the bad guy's gun is very slim. If it doesn't hit one of your vitals, you could very easily bleed out.

As far as bleeding heart judges go, I 100% agree with you. Also, there are corrupt cops, lawyers who'll twist the law into unimaginable meanings in order to get their client of, and judges who will believe them. We really need an overhaul of our judicial system. Make everyone sit their law exams again!

Well, thats enough from me,
Lol, i agree with you for most part Amy. ........Still.......A smith & wesson beats 4 aces! lol :lol:
I should add that the term "reasonable force" leaves alot to be desired. Id much rather be able to possibly kill the shotgun weilding maniac with a gun than try to fend him off with the kids tennis raquet! Laws regarding self protection
[personal/of life not property] certainly need overhauling.
Wattso, sure does my friend. Sure does :) And tell you what, if a salesperson tries to steal your pot plant and you want to wave a gun around, I'll defend you ;) Saying that, had a couple of Jehova's Witness' come around to my place trying to help me find "truth & salvation" and when i answered the door with my Rotty pup at my side and an adult black headed python in my arms, they went white as ghosts and fled pretty quickly. Have never been bothered again. Sales people and charity people still come around a bit, though not as often as they use to ;)

True. When your life is in obvious danger, reasonable force should change to what ever force necessary then some for the pain, an....and*sniff*....and the emotional damage lol sorry.[/i]
LOL, nah flowerpot theives just get a kick in the ass. lol "emotional damage" thats really been done to death in court eh? :lol:

p.s im yet to experince the fun of meeting bible thumpers at the door with monty in my arms :cry: havent been any since i met them at the door last time with my very non religious wife in my arms! lol
Emotional damage is a defense lawyer's best friend. No-one can say for sure what a person was feeling at the time, and most juries will sympathise with people who were "under immeasurable amounts of stress" or "the heartache of losing a loved one can be unbearable" (thats why they stalk their loved one and/or kill them) I dunno, thinking of going back and doing Criminal psychology. Maybe then I'll understand *shrugs*

haha! Where I live, i have 3 different churches forming a triangle around the suburb. and esp. getting closer to christmas, everyone is trying to convert everyone else. I personally am not religious, my boyfriend believes in something out there whether it is aliens or a supreme being you'll have to ask him :?
Engrossing stuff guys, crime,law,guns,religion,rottweillers,violence, aliens,emotion,stalking,supreme beings,blackheaded pythons,the list goes on.....
What more could a reader want! :D
lol Parko. Maybe we have gotten a little of subject? Well, only sort of really. But hey, you said it yourself, it's engrossing :D
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