Seeing the world through rose coloured glasses?

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when someone is "colour blind" they don't see black and white...but instead we have two sets of colours we see through (can't remember's something totally random though like orange and blue etc etc)
so they may only see two colours but in different shades for everything

Not true. I am colour blind but I see every colour. Colour blind means that you see colours as a different shade to 'normal' sighted people. there are generally two types of colour blindness - Red/green and Blue.

I am Red/green and can see red and green, lucky drivers, but sometimes have trouble distinguishing colours containing those colours, such as blue and purple or green and brown.

so what we have been brought up to recognise as red, green, blue, yellow etc we can identify but if everything was revealed we might see as a different shade. It might be an interesting experiment to teach a child totally the wrong thing towards colours and objects and see how it impacts their life and the relearning they would have to go through.

As to snakes, I have no idea what they see as I am sure no one does.
I'm telling you I've never taken drugs but blue tastes terrible, never liked yellow, and purple and red are too sweet
did you look on the net in general, or specifically for journals?

lol at calling me vamps despite the new name ;)

may i ask why you wonder this so much?
I figure it'd be compensated in the fact that whatever each individual considers red...will always stay the same and hence we can still communicate by saying "the red sign" etc.

But that's exactly the point FonzieFalseTeethRelative, we can still communicate and understand what others mean by "red, blue, green" but it's interesting to wonder if we all see the same things.

I haven't looked at any journals, no. :p
jackrabbit, I did say may, I also said don't take it for gospel.

Sax...I have a passionate hate for philosophy personally haha, dunno my nature haha

KR, Journals would be your best bet for new information, they suck and do your head in..but they're your best bet :p
you remind me so much of my old roomies dad with this question haha
It might be an interesting experiment to teach a child totally the wrong thing towards colours and objects and see how it impacts their life and the relearning they would have to go through.
It's a shame this sort of experimentation is so immoral. I reckon we could have learned so much about so many interesting questions like this
jackrabbit, I did say may, I also said don't take it for gospel.

Sax...I have a passionate hate for philosophy personally haha, dunno my nature haha

KR, Journals would be your best bet for new information, they suck and do your head in..but they're your best bet :p
you remind me so much of my old roomies dad with this question haha

Yeah, I'll get around to looking one day. At the moment I am torrenting some of IMDb's top 2011 movies, and enjoying this discussion :p
I'd love to do an experiment on kids :D Somehow I think they would just get teased for not knowing the right words for things >.>

On the topic of strange ideas and trains of thought, does anyone else see things or feel sensations in their heads when reading a sentence? Like if you read the word 'happy' does that create an image or a feeling as to what it is? Even words you've never seen or heard before?
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On the topic of strange ideas and trains of thought, does anyone else see things or feel sensations in their heads when reading a sentence? Like if you read the word 'happy' does that create an image or a feeling as to what it is? Even words you've never seen or heard before?

Lol, no. That kind of reminds me of the marijuana stage I went through when I was younger. Sometimes an idea would come to me in a flash, and it would be so obvious and so real (even when I wasn't high it would make sense, but these things only came to me whilst stoned), that when the idea came to me, it felt like something physically happened inside my skull. Kind of hard to explain.
Lol, no. That kind of reminds me of the marijuana stage I went through when I was younger. Sometimes an idea would come to me in a flash, and it would be so obvious and so real (even when I wasn't high it would make sense, but these things only came to me whilst stoned), that when the idea came to me, it felt like something physically happened inside my skull. Kind of hard to explain.
No explanation needed.
Don't you have the urge to know for yourself, though? Just because a scientist says so, doesn't mean it's gospel. The thing with science, is that it's all refutable, so don't you question things
Only the things that really interest me. To be honest this kind of stuff is just over my head most of the time :p
It only happens if I read an individual word, so when I read 'happy' I feel a smile, when I read 'smile' I see one lol it's very confusing sometimes especially with contradicting terms like 'smiles solemnly' because solemn is sort of grey like concrete...still with me?
Only the things that really interest me. To be honest this kind of stuff is just over my head most of the time :p

The meaning of life and how it all began is beyond human comprehension at this point in time, but it doesn't stop us trying to comprehend it :)

It only happens if I read an individual word, so when I read 'happy' I feel a smile, when I read 'smile' I see one lol it's very confusing sometimes especially with contradicting terms like 'smiles solemnly' because solemn is sort of grey like concrete...still with me?

Does it manifest itself physically? When you say "So when I read 'happy' I feel a smile" does a smile actually spread across your face?

I guess that's just a way your brain uses to comprehend things. When people talk to my grandmother, she mouths everything they say. I guess that's her way, but man it's annoying haha.
Yeah it sort of does, but when I read 'happy' it's just a feeling, but it's a bright fuzzy feeling, if I read 'angry' it's just a feeling too, but it's a dark kind of black and red feeling. If I read 'smile' I can 'see' it and sometimes I do smile, I must have some very strange expressions when I'm reading lol
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This has been figured out, a physics teacher of mine some time back taught us and it is all to do with different spectrums and phases. Colour is determined by the wave lengths of light coming to and from us (this is also how we can measure how far away other planets are from us). I cant explain it properly ecause it was a while ago haha. But they have done biopsies on eyes and something to do with that proved that we all see colours the same if we have normal eyes.

and just to make me look all scientifical. View attachment 214369
Picture didn't work AK. Colour is determined by wavelengths so you're right that, scientifically they are definable and specific. However, just because the eyes are the same and they have specific wavelengths, doesn't mean the brains perceive the images the same way. That's why it is an age old philosophical question. Perception is not a quantifiable object. Not yet anyway...
This has been figured out, a physics teacher of mine some time back taught us and it is all to do with different spectrums and phases. Colour is determined by the wave lengths of light coming to and from us (this is also how we can measure how far away other planets are from us). I cant explain it properly ecause it was a while ago haha. But they have done biopsies on eyes and something to do with that proved that we all see colours the same if we have normal eyes.

and just to make me look all scientifical. View attachment 214369
We may see them the same technically, doesn't mean we perceive them the same way. If it did everyone would have the same favourite colour and hate the same colours. Do an experiment, show a bunch of people a picture of something with obvious colours then ask them to describe it to you with emphasis on the colours. They will all describe it differently because they all perceive it differently.

Looks like me and saximus have our brainwaves in tune, haha
Exactly right, just like 100 witnesses of a bank robbery will have 100 different statements as to what they perceived happened.
Like I said I cant explain it properly but there is a good Hypothesis on it. Not meaning its true but very believable when told by the correct people, that being not me haha.
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