sexing beardies

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Active Member
Jul 6, 2008
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Hi i got these guys a month ago, new to reps,
just wondering if someone can sex them for me and point out how to tell diff,
also they all live in the same enclosure
and when i take what i think is the girls out the male starts banging his head on the wall and going crazy trying to get out, anyway heres some pics tell me what you think.

1.told it was
2.another female sm.jpg
3.and the malebig m.jpg
Can't really tell by those pics (just me probably) But a female has one lump near the vent while a male has two where he keeps his hemipenes
The "told its female" one looks like a male to me(hard to tell in the pic). Males have a wider vent as you can clearly see with the accurately sexed male and female. You can also see 2 bulges from the hemipenes on the tail side of the vent(this isnt clear in the top pic). If you did a google search it would probably bring up plenty of info on sexing them.
1. the enclosureenclosure.jpg
2. Male?b.jpg

Oh one is missing most of her right foot this happened before i had her and was not caused by either of the other 2 the guy i got them off said a mates lizard done it to her. I have been keeping a very close eye on them and the only aggresion i have seen is like i said when i take one of the girls out, and a little bit of head bobbing.
thanks heaps i just went and had a look i see one lump in the middle of the tail side of the females and
on the male two lumps one each side kind of thing if thats right.

ive been reading up and i couldn't work out what i was meant to be looking at, i think it has clicked now
I'm definately no expert on sexing dragons but i'm fairly confident you have male,female,male going by the first pics. Does the drgon in the first pics have any visible femoral pores?If your not sure what they are check out your male & you will notice some dark dots either side of his vent & down the inside of his back legs.
# 2looks to be female....i doubt if # 1is though.......#3...definately is male

take it to your nearest breeder....or ask on here if a member with dragon knowledge will help you
that lives near you
by placing them against glass for the pic your dragons will feel more secure......i hope your not hanging on to them by there tails????
Also he looks a little worse for wear...brumation has really taken it out of him by the looks of it.
they were sitting on my knee when i took the photo's and they seemed quite happy to sit there , they all live quite happily together and the one in question has only been out of brumation for a couple of days still not eating much at all. ive been feedin woodies and crix, ocassional meal worm, buk choy, broc, and a few others should i try to get them to take a pinky?
ive got 30 hot end and about 23 cool end durin day, and about 26- 19 overnight. I will have another enclosure to seperate them next week, is this a good idea? Here is a couple more
pics do they look healthy to you guys?The y are supposedly 2 at 2and a half years old and the bigger male closest to the reptical 4 and a half years 31082008079.jpg

I would seperate it from the others, it may likely be stressed

Because the big male is dominant, if the one in question is a male, he will feel pretty intimidated
male female male, seperate the smaller male because the bigger one is more dominent so it is likley he wont be gettin much food
ha ha i am setting up another tank at the moment i was going to put a divider in and use it for hatchies i might just move him in and get him a girlfriend lol i guess that mite not be a good idea if they will fight. How do you breeders set up for hatchies what size tanks and how many in each? Thanks for all the help very helpfull
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