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Feb 6, 2003
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:) She shed last night and I got to watch her shed on the branches. Her colour is so healthy looking now and her scars are really fading well. Only thing is every time she sheds I have to remove the shed fron her flexi-end of tail. Any suggestions on how to encourage a complete shed? Each shed dhe has is better than the last.
Was she having this problem before her injury moses? One possible is that her skin is thin at the moment due to the multiple sheds that she is undergoing. Also, some snakes do seem to have this problem when young but seem to grow out of it. :D
Sorry to go off topic here :oops: but that just got me to thinking, I wonder if that fact would explain some of the missing tails of wild animals that are not known to caudal lure? A build up of old sheds causing the tail to become necrotic? Anyone got an opinion or fact on this idea? :D
Clever theory Magpie!
We have rescued a lot of wild Diamonds with missing tail ends. Despite this the are still healthy, agile animals.
We assume it was from getting caught by a whipper snipper or something because a lot of wild Diamonds in our area love to hide in ivy bushes and hedges...
Have you rescued snakes with missing tails? If so, which species?
magpie you are right on the money

it is somthing that is offen seen in captive herps. if they leave a bit on there tail it can and offen does become infected and die/fall off.
this is somthing we check every time, as soon as there is a new skin in the cage we look for the complete tail section.
cheers paul.
This leads on to another question.
If snakey keeps a bit of the old shed on his tail what is the best/recommended way to remove it?

cheers M
I usually just hold her tail end under the tap running warm water, and slide it of between 2 fingers, gently.
I have noticed on my Mac that often the last bit of the tail is unshed. Because he is still small it is only about 2-3mm left unshed. I have never worried about this before, should I?
Yes Whaa, as per Paul and Magpie, you should remove that skin.
If not, they can lose the tail.
Hold a warm water soaked cotton swatch and gently pull the old skin away by letting snake slither through your hands. :)
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