shedding problem

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Active Member
May 10, 2003
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Sydney, Western Suburbs
i know ur probly all sick of hearing about this topic, but my little carpet is starting to shed. it started the day before yesterday but today i noticed the shedded part of his head had fallen of and the the restr was coming off in little bits. i know this means the humidity should be higher? shoudl i soak him in warm water or spray him as i have read sumwhere??
thanx guys
id spray it with a fine mist and put the water bowl under the light or on the heat sorce to raise the humidity a bit.

hope it all comes of soon :D
I would soak him in warm water and try if you can help him along a bit, rubbing gently, as it has been two days since he started.
If it does not come off easy, spray as mentioned by Sarah and put as large as possible water bowl under the heat.
Also check if the eye caps have come off with the part that was already shed, that?s important.
If not, don?t try and do it yourself, you can do permanent damage.
Good luck.
I guess a few times a day with the spray and just see if the skin will come off after a couple of good soaks. Try removing the skin gently while the snake is in the water.
It happened to one of my maccies ones and that?s what I did and it worked.
Ps good news about the eye caps.
Shedding problem (Maximus's snake)

I agree with Artie, that should sort it out.

In future when your snakes coming into slough you might want to try getting a small tupperware container with a hole cut out on the side for access, then fill with some damp shreded kitchen towel or alike and keep it in the middle of the viv, but not directly over the heat source, as this will dry it out too quickly.
Works well !
Note when you make the whole in the side of the container, make sure the edges are smoothed off!

Hope it helps in the future.


welcome NCHERPs to
i hope u enjoy the site and it already sounds like u know a bit about reptiles.

All the info suplied so far should work.
We have a maccie that has a few problems shedding and what works for us is getting a warm damp cloth and puting him in that.
Just want to add that if actually helping him shed than make sure that you gently rub in the direction that the skin would come off naturally ie:head to tail not the other way around.Also make sure the tip of the tail is clean of old skin also.

cheers M........
I would put the snake to wet cotton bag and leave him for 3 hours close to heat source that temperature would be optimum. After gently wipe of parts of the skin with warm wet cotton .
Hold warm wet makeup removal pads and let the snake crawl through your hands usually works a treat, especially with smaller snakes...
Hey Mr AfricaFishyBoi I've ran out of those makeup removal pads,got any spare? :p
Since I put mine on wiff a trowel I need eleventy every time I take my makeup off :roll:

cheers M........
Sure thing Fangster but I got the heavy duty ones for cleaning up after removing my foundations :) You want the jack hammer too or just the pads ?
Arrrr you boys laugh, but try it - it works, and they are extra gentle. :p
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