Shedding signs... and then nothing

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Not so new Member
Jul 19, 2009
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Our female bredli. showed all the shedding signs, milky eyes etc.

checked her yesterday and her eyes are normal again, and her skin is all back to normal.

what does this mean?
Sometimes snakes do this just before they shed.

It's quite normal.
they go milky, then normal again, then shed within a couple days.
mine took quite a few days after the milky stage once.
its whenever they feel ready
nah her shedding without us seeing it isnt a possibility. we have only just purhcased the two snakes. and she was in the process of having milky eyes when we got her. so there vivarium doesnt have very much in there atm
I've had some go a week after returning to normal after the shedding signs till they adventurally shed. stop worrying it will happen when they want to lol
she could be alittle stressed too so just leave her be put something in there that she can scratch herself on and help her get the skin off if you haven't already.
How long ago was she milky? This often happens, she will probably still slough. Actually my female Bredli is at exactly the same stage, was milky last Thurs, looks back to normal now, expecting her to go any day between now & Thurs-Fri. Sometimes they've taken over a week from first signs til actual slough. Expecting my male to start showing signs soon too if his normal "schedule" is anything to go by.
They reabsorb they fluid build up between the old skin and the new one, before they shed. Give it a day or 2......
This is exactly what happened to my stimmie last time he shed. I noticed he was very quiet for a few days and had very milky eyes, and I was positive he was about to shed. Then his eyes went back to normal and he started acting normally again and I was really worried, but 5 days later he shed as if nothing was wrong.......I was quite relieved that there was nothing wrong.
Same thing happened to my MD a couple of weeks ago, milky then clear...about 5 days later, a complete shed and a colourful it will happen I'm sure!! Guess these nuances help us less experienced herpers, but can be a little stressful at the time for sure :)
yeah. thought she might have been over stressed from bringing her home. and thought there might have been something wrong.
mine was milky yesterday and is clear today must be somthing in the air making them all shed at the same time lol im expecting her to shed by friday
It's strange that reptiles do that, isn't it? Looks like your girl will be shedding soon.
they go milky, then normal again, then shed within a couple days.
mine took quite a few days after the milky stage once.
its whenever they feel ready
yup thats pretty well it
are the snakes scales really dull ? and is it hiding alot?
yeah she shed last friday and is looking awesome, now to get the boy to stop striking.
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