Bulging eye… fluid under stuck shed?

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Not so new Member
Apr 30, 2021
Reaction score
Sydney NSW
Hi all,
I have one problem anteresia given to me by a friend. Always had issues eating, shedding etc.
His latest problem i just discovered today is that his left eye is bulging significantly (photos attached).
His pupils are still moving underneath the bulge with the eyeball itself seemingly set where they normally should be, there is a clear layer above this that seems to be filled with fluid making it bulge and appear magnified. My first thought was a stuck eye cap (or maybe a few layers as i have been away for a while and unable to check he’s been shedding well) which has somehow become filled. Otherwise could be the outer layer of the eyeball itself that has become swollen.
Anyone seen this? Thoughts?
I don’t want to touch it too much trying to get theoretical stuck shed off in case it’s his actual eye that i might damage in some way, looks and feels like it could very easily be popped…

Will go to my vet as well but honestly i think the regulars here are more experienced with this type of thing.



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I’m not sure about the eye problem, definitely see a vet, but that snake is really not well… underweight, dehydrated etc

I suspect your friends husbandry was sub par which caused the issues feeding and shedding. It’s 99/100 times the reason for poor feeding and poor sheds.

Put it in a temporary tub setup with very BASIC husbandry. 1/3rd of tub with heatmat at 32-34c
A bowl of water
Few air holes on one end
Hide on hot end

when feeding the snake, use warm water untill thawed thoroughly and feed the rodent whilst wet. This will help hydrate the snake.

Aswell as spraying the tub down once a week (not too much, you don’t want to drench the tub)
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