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Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
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central coast nsw
:evil: I found a staple in a pellet of breeders choice,on closer examination of bc i foung plastic ,pieces of metal,& an aliminium foil looking substance that doest ripp.I was wonering has anyone looked closely at the pellets as i never did be for.I am going to reconsider using it if this is in every bag which it appears to be,the thingsive foung could injur an animal like snakes.This is not another bc debate i just wanted to let you know that i found these things & if you use bc maybe just look thru it closely as i was absolutely SHOCKED at what i found. :evil:
Sounds a bit odd Popp.

You should report it to the company - send in the bits you found with a complaint - I haven't seen anything odd in mine.
:evil: Me too Popp, found pieces of aluminium that doesn't tear (kinda like really tough easter egg wrapping) and also bits of warped metal/lead? :shock: Enough for me to remove every pellet in case of injury. :?
:evil: ive checked to totally seperate bags & found staples in both aswell as other stuff described,as i said this isnt a debate but just a warning as i think some serious injuries could result especially from a staple.As this is not a one off case i thought i would bring it to aps members attention. :evil:
Just for clarification, are these in with the pellets or actually part of the pellets themselves.
A thought that someone had spiked my BC for sh*ts and giggles had occured :wink: BUT the material is actually in the pellets.
I'll check some of mine. Definately worth reporting to the company. That's not on.
:evil: I am going to go through appropriate channels this is serious as the claim it is a completely organic product.I am just going thru pics i will put in gallery tonight you can see for yourselfs but this is definately no joke i used bc but cant believe that i just took it for granted as i had heard so many good reports. :evil:
I've had a quick look but can't see anything - I'll check again tomorrow using a large magnet - that will pull up any with staples in. I guess the staples must come from the papers and magazines that get pulped and turned into BC.

I can't see how they would cause too much of a problem for the snakes though (unless they get swallowed during feeding - I feed outside of enclosure). If you saw where the wild diamonds go around my place you wouldn't be too worried about the odd staple, But I'll definately keep my eye open for any. :x

the pics are now in my gallery, this one shows clearly the pieces of yellow and red plastic, in my gallery there is a pic that shows clearly the staples found in the BC. Graham, go run a staple over your eye ant tell me how it feels...
Popp I guess that would hurt but then again squeezing between sharp branches when they race around the enclosure or in the wild (eg when shedding) or sharp rocks - spikey plants etc. etc. would also hurt I expect.

Maybe it is a problem. I'd certainly stop using it if the level of contamination was as high as shown in your picture. I still like the idea of woodchip mulch (microwaved to sterilize it). Looks great - I've got about 5 tons of it and it's natural. If you use BC as a base layer to absorb any moisture and put a top layer of the mulched wood it looks great and is functional.
Even though i don't use breeders choice this really shocks me!!! I am going to to through my substrates as well to check incase it is not only limited to breeders choice.
I think maybe we're treating our snakes with kid gloves. They've survived for millions of years basically unchanged. If sharp things were really much of an issue then they would have developed eyelids. I understand the concern but I think apart from ingestion, the odd staple in a pellet and a bit of plastic or foil are not going to hurt the snakes eyes, the pellet would just be pushed out of the way. Nature has a lot more nasty spike - try slithering around a lemon tree or a rose bush - those spikes dont give way when you brush up against them. 8)
We use it and yeah I've noticed bits of tinfoil and plastic inside the pellets as opposed to with them.

We clean our cages one a week and when I put new stuff in if I see any I just pick out those pieces but I dont think it would cause a prob if left in the cage.

However as you said they are supposed to be organic not made out of all sorts of crap.

:p hey graham rather than reply the same crap over n over again let somneone else see & reply to this,btw i think you r missing the point it is supposed to be ORGANIC,it is people like you that let big companies get away with what the want.I guess every one by now understands your point of view just give it a rest as there maybe people itested in knowing this.How long have you had snakes in captivetity for graham?& is your opinion that correct & knowledgeable that what you say is gospell.This is to warn people of what i found & asked if anyone else found the same & you turned it to a thread thats based on your opinion.Please keep opinions to chitchat & lets try keep real threads real & not based on your frigin opinion but rather fact. :evil:
Even though snakes have lived for millions of years with all kinds of stuff around them, most of those have been wild :)
Captive snakes tend to be a little more vulnerable to things such as this.

Out in the wild snakes eat mice and stuff that they find long the way....
but how many of us will feed these same wild mice to our captive snakes?? I learnt my lesson the hard way...actually Charlotte did.

Hey POPP if I?m allowed to respond. You obviously think it is a problem. If you read what I wrote from the beginning I actually suggested that you report it to the company. I was agreeing with your sentiment ? should be 100% organic.

I?ve been keeping snakes for a few weeks now. That has little to do with my comments and that?s you being childish - I've been around animals since I was a little kid.

Rather than perpetuate this, I?ll apologise to you for upsetting your apple cart and stay out of this post.

Just let me know if you think I?m monopolising in the future. I guess as a moderator you can just delete my posts if you find them offensive.

If you need to be more abusive please feel free to PM me.

8) G
Yep... BC just brings out the best in everybody everytime don't it?? :)

I do have to say though, Graham's advice to contact the company seemed like a reasonable course of action, it's what I'd do if I was dissatisfied with any product, no RK experience needed for that one.

Just to add my own experiences of BC, although only 8months worth... never found anything but paper pellets, and some very small bits of flat newsprint, eg bits of paper that hadn't been turned into a pellet.
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