Should this be ideal for Levis Levis?

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Very Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
Reaction score
Camira, Queensland
Alright, I have decided to buy a tub or "Critter carrier" that is approx 60cmL, 30cmD, 20cmH to house a trio of Levis.
I just want make sure I have everything correct and also a few Questions.

I am going to be using red desert sand, as that is their natural substrate,with the sand 2cm at the warm end, but if it gets more then 31degree I'll ad a little more sand until it is at 29-30 degrees then 15cm of sand on the cool side, with a ceramic flower pot upside down for a cave like structure then a water bowl above that and enough digging area.
Then on the warm side, I'll also have a hide. These hides will all be big enough for 3. Yet I'll be making a hide out of small logs from the backyard which will be placed in the middle.

I will be using a heat mat as the heating source, with 1/3 of that under the tub. Yet I may use a heat cord. I will be misting the cool hide area every 2 days.
Is that all correct?

Now for the questions. These are all about breeding these fella's.

Can I have the heat mat set at 29.5degrees year round, or do they absolutely need a cool off period through mating?

Will the two females happily lay eggs in the same tub?

When taking the eggs to put them in a incubator, can I have both cluthes in one incubator?

Do the eggs go well in a home made incubator?

That is just about it. If you can lead me to a good breeding sheet for further info, that'd be great.
I have decided to cool them off through winter, better off for them. Does anybody have a table of the tempretures thoughout the year for Queensland or even better, Brisbane?
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