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Matt your MD looks very young and as though it recently shed before that picture correct?

She is only a year old and about a metre long , she was about mid way between sheds when I took that pic
Who do you support in the Union then...All Blacks?

I don't have to answer that...
Besides, my decision was made by who is the better team, not where I come from! :lol:

I actually support the Wallabies except when they're playing NZ, although give it another year and that will change.
I don't have to answer that...
Besides, my decision was made by who is the better team, not where I come from! :lol:

I actually support the Wallabies except when they're playing NZ, although give it another year and that will change.

I have a topic yall can discuss (in vanity of a failed attempt to keep this thread alive when we really should have stopped while we were still on top).

I was thinking about an incident my aunty had a few years ago, do yall believe in ghosts? Woooo-oooooo-oooooo!!!
I have a topic yall can discuss (in vanity of a failed attempt to keep this thread alive when we really should have stopped while we were still on top).

I was thinking about an incident my aunty had a few years ago, do yall believe in ghosts? Woooo-oooooo-oooooo!!!

Oh I love ghost stories! And yes I believe and I have my reasons :D
I'm sitting on the fence... I have no reason to believe they don't, and no reason to believe they do at this stage (apart from 1 encounter that I don't remember)
Want to know? Ok, Mum told me this story, I don't remember it. When I was like 4 or something, I was doing some sweet colouring in, like Picasso stuff, and I saw Nanna walk in the front gate and she looked up and smiled at me, so I went running to Mum and told her Nanna was here, but Nanna had died like 2 weeks ago. Apparently I was pretty upset that mum didn't believe me and that she wouldn't go outside to see Nanna, I could have been bullshitting, who knows. But my Mum and my Nanna used to to say that who ever died 1st would come back to give the other a sign if there was anything after death?
I don't remember her other than peering over into her coffin, every time I see her photo I get shivers down my spine, should I feel bad? Haha
Time for Amy's and Matt's stories. But you have to tell them with a torch shining up your face!
Ok well my Nan lives in a very old house which is known in her town as being haunted...when I was young we would often see a woman dressed in black walking up the driveway (the driveway is over 500m long) but she would always just fade away just before she got to the gate. There was an accident over 100 years ago on the road out the front of the house where a man was thrown off his horse, since then there has been a huge amount of accidents on this straight stretch of road where people have said they were swerving to miss a man on a horse but then he has just disapeared. My uncle still swears to this day that he woke up one night in this house when he was 15 to a man hovering over his bed watching him..he still refuses to sleep in that room whenever he goes home. Doors mysteriously slam in the house and lock themselves only opening for certain people. One night about two years ago my brother and I were sleeping in the attic of the house...I woke up to what I thought was laughing, I continued to listen as it got louder and louder and I could tell that it was coming from within the room but it was too dark to see where. I actually thought I was dreaming until I heard my brothers voice in the bed next to me say "can you hear that too?" The laughing stopped for about an hour and then started again, at that point I decided to get up and switch the light on as the laughing continued...when I switched it on there sat a large porcelain doll that used to be kept downstairs (but actually disappeared years ago - I assumed it had been thrown out) sitting on a desk at the end of my brothers bed. I grabbed the doll and took it downstairs and locked it in a cupboard. We didnt hear the laughing again that night but when I checked the cupboard in the morning the doll was gone and hasn't been seen again to this day.
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ghosts? no. why do you ask amy dear, got a story to share?

Well my lovely as a matter of fact I do, I find these things rather intriguing!

Oh I love ghost stories! And yes I believe and I have my reasons :D

Woo hoo!

Time for Amy's and Matt's stories. But you have to tell them with a torch shining up your face!


(okay so it’s actually a picture of a friend...)

I have too many stories to count personally, I can tell you a few of the bigger ones.

I am open minded to any possibility, I can’t say I know for a fact that there is such is as life after death, and I do believe that a lot of things people ‘experience’ are things that can easily be answered. But then there are other things that are just too bizarre. My mamma raised me to accept anything and I think the more open minded you are the more you may experience these things.

I used to live in a haunted house when I was 7-12 years old, it was owned by my auntie who lived there first, then my other auntie, then me and my mother. It was more lots of little things, I had a cat and one day she came walking into the loungeroom with all her fur standing up and this look on her face as though, excuse the pun, she’d seen a ghost. There was one spot in particular that had a lot of things happen, outside the first bedroom. There was this bad smell that would suddenly appear and then disappear as though something had died, which is what we first brushed it off as. But after a while it became odd because it would just suddenly appear one day (not a gradual thing where it got stronger), stick around for a while and then disappear as quickly as it came.
In the main bedroom, if you slept with your feet sticking out from the blanket ‘someone’ would run their finger up the bottom of your foot, it happened to me twice and too my mum and I can NEVER have my feet out of the blanket since then!
Then there was the time my alarm clock went of one afternoon, I had no idea how it happened but when I went switch it off it was already ‘off’.
You would also get the feeling you were being watched, I hated being in the hallway and would always focus on certain spots as though I was expecting someone to just walk through a doorway or something.
The two biggest things that I can remember at that house- once I was sleeping on the loungeroom floor while my mum was watching tv, I think it was because I would sometimes get nervous while I was in bed. My mother said I had to go to sleep (she was watching Animal Farm) but I was secretly watching the television from under the blanket. My mum had got this candle for Christmas that had a gold stand and I remember she loved it so much she never wanted to burn it. While I was watching tv I happened to look up and saw a trail of smoke coming from the candle (you know when you blow out a candle and it gets that puff of white smoke), and it was going all the way across the room in a long line. It’s hard to explain, but of course being about 10 at the time I hid under the blanket.
The second thing (and this REALLY truly scared the absolute jobblies out of me) was at about 3am when I had woken up and needed to pee. But I was so terrified that I couldn’t get out of bed, I had that feeling someone was there. Eventually I had to get out of bed to go and when I came back I still had that feeling someone was there (and I thought I’d mention that this was in the bedroom where the weird smell would appear at the door). I was staring in the dark trying to see if someone was there and then I heard someone in the doorway say my name clear as day. Now you can say it was my imagination, but this was as loud as it would be if anyone was at the door, and it was a womans voice. I jumped out of bed and ran like a lunatic into my mums room down the hall and slept there for about a week.
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