Slow access to this site from a Mac

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Not so new Member
Mar 18, 2003
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Accessing this site from a Macintosh using latest version of IE, takes about 4 minutes.
It just says accessing login and eventually loads. If I then click on a link it again takes 4 minutes to load.

Fine on PC at work

Any other site is fine for me to access from home. So any Idea why the mac takes sooooooo long to load your site.

Mac OS 9.1, IE 5.106 for Mac
OK, here comes the Flaming......

Is it because Mac's are cr@p??? :D

<Personal Opinion Only>


In the land of the blind the one eyed man is king (snake)

As an IT professional who spends his whole day fixing crapbox wintel PCs I would have to say mac's are excellent. I prefer to come home to something that works, which happens to be my mac.

Alas you are just a pleb.

All in good humor and in my case good taste...



PS check out AHS to see what horrid snake murdering monsters Wintel Machines are:
he he he....

You know the worst thing about all of this.... I'm a Computer Administrator for a chain of stores world wide.... :D

I do actually thinks Mac's are brilliant for graphics and sound manipulation, as well as video recording/editing, etc. However, as I said in the first post, my preference is PC's.

I was only making a joking post. It was not intended to be serious. I appologise if I offended you at all, it was in no way intended! :D
Edan - I'm with you - I'm an IT professional who works with both - well only the Mac's really work :lol:

In the last month or so, using the latest IE5 it takes ages to load this page on the mac...That sucks, coz it means I can only use the forum during the day @ work.
No offence taken Dan. Did you check out the link of what happens when snake and PC meet. This proves my point! LOL

Still besides being easily bated I still do not have an answer to my slow loading times... Any suggestons web designer people
Well good to know we are all working hard heheheheheheheheheh



The problem is with IE (dog of a program) I am using a G4 PB with 10.2.3 and Safari. The alternative is Chimera but I am not sure whether there is an OS 9 version of Chimera (I know there is no Safari). It works just fione. Pages load in about 5 seconds with 56k connection.

Cheers Hawkeye

Macs definitely rule :lol:
Aha! Proof of another dodgy MS product.

Will try Netscape 8)
Working fine now again for me using 10.2.3 and IE5. Giddy up!

Move from the dark side of the force......... :shock: :shock:

Safari is heaps faster than IE (fill in the version numbers as required).

Cheers Hawkeye
Yep, got safari - usually use whichever I open first. Im kinda lazy like that hehehe. Was having the problem with Safari too tho...
Macs are too limiting. Give me a i686 machine anyday. Anyway, not sure what the go is. Tried it on Mozilla and IE for Windows - works great, same with Mozilla on Red Hat 8. I have no Mac (god help us if I did) so I can't check, but it sounds quite strange.
SJ - Just out of curiosity why do u think Mac's are to limiting? There's absolutely nothing you can't do on a Mac that u can on a PC, and it usually does it better. Would be interested to know your thoughts that's all :))

I tried to bite my tongue on this, but I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! :shock: :eek: :shock:

Macs are a great machine,especially for graphics work, but they are, and have always been, WAAAY too expensive! As is their software and hardware peripherals.

PC's are much more versatile in the sense that you can easily install multiple operating systems, hardware, etc. You can always find cheap components from your friendly yum-cha shop as opposed to the Apple stores, where prices are always through the roof.

If you have a unlimited budget/bottomless wallet, then Macs are a good option for a lot of things, but in the real world I reckon PC's are the best solution.

ok - I'm wearing my asbestos undies - go for your life! :shock:
Hehehe no probs David! Mac Hardware is marginally more expensive than PC's - But you get exponentially better hardware and software. Baring in mind that that most of their new software - (DVD editing etc) is Free now. Also, Apple don't make any peripherals anymore (excepting the iPod), haven't for years. They just offer far superior seamless integration to 3rd party peripherals now.
Gurgle, glub, choke! :oops: :evil: :twisted: :idea:

Sorry was unable to swallow my tongue on this one.

As stated Macs are now only marginally more expensive than pc's and the I-book is cheaper than most pc laptops and far superior. High end pc's and Macs are around the same price.

Most peripherals and components can be purchased at a pc shop and slotted into a Mac. Never by a component from a Mac shop the same can be got from a PC shop for half the price!

Finally is it really necessary to have so many flavours of windows. I would have to say 1 package is better than the 4 or so currently on offer. No need to load up 4 OS's on a Mac and why would you??? Can any one tell me the logic of having Win 2000, personal, professional, Win XP, home, professional (not to mention OEM versions!) GAG!
Give me 1 OS to do all not some bloody multi headed hydra.

I work with PC's all day and know what is easier to troubleshoot and that is a Mac. Hell I worked for a very large software company that when I began had 30 of its market PC, yet this generated 80% of the support calls. The 70% Mac only generated 20% of the calls. Food for thought, hmmm...

I am a huge fan of Win NT 4 (even if it took MS 3 years to stabilise it with SP6)

Finally anyone who says Macs are great for graphics are generalising. Macs do everthing a PC does and faster and better. Only issue is there are not as many Mac Games as PC games. But the good ones get ported over.

Ah well enough of Mac Vs PC, unless its publishing a PC can do everything a Mac can and vice a versa, but Mac's ARE cuter LOL
Silly people you need to be like me and use a dependable commadore 64.
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